BCNA_bitcore_old copied to clipboard
Needs (unknown) tweak to compile on Ubuntu 16.04
I am getting
configure: error: No working boost sleep implementation found.
At the very last stage of config on Ubuntu. It either needs something as trivial as specifying a version of Boost, or some deeper fix. Please Help!
I am trying to compile. If you are not familiar with the concept, I suggest you look up Reproducible builds, also known as deterministic compilation. It is a question of trust for the general public, and a question of programming for me.
I understand. I have some issues too. I have tried on 14 16 and 18 and some diff versions of libboost openssl.... But no sucess
The Mac instructions refer to commands that were removed from "brew" 3 years ago or more! So either they are building on some ancient setups, or the published code is "not applicable"
no news from these scammers?
join on Telegram group. see on the correct telegram user ( ) the easyest way to talk with team/community. I know, here is a low communication. I think you needing do some step on MAC to can run.. (run as admin or Unlock File). Go there and ask.