MikaLendingBot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MikaLendingBot copied to clipboard

Cannot read property 'getTime' of null

Open jorijn opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

Using the charts plugin. The charts don't display any data.

I checked the console, history.json fetch request contains one record.

See screenshot.

screenshot 2018-12-08 at 11 38 16

jorijn avatar Dec 08 '18 10:12 jorijn

please upload contents of history.json otherwise impossible to debug

utdrmac avatar Dec 08 '18 16:12 utdrmac

Hi @utdrmac

That'll be just this line:

{"XRP": [[1544227200, 1.87631272, 1.87631272]]}

jorijn avatar Dec 08 '18 19:12 jorijn

@Jorijn I also have this problem. It only occurs when there's only 1 record to display. As from 2 or more the chart displays just fine...

Have you solved it yet?

ElectronicsSam avatar Dec 20 '18 16:12 ElectronicsSam