MikaLendingBot copied to clipboard
New Bootstrap-UI
Updated JQuery Included Standard Roboto-Font Custom Date-Format via http://momentjs.com/ Coin-Icon-Font via https://labs.allienworks.net/icons/cryptocoins/ Added Total Account-Value and Value per Coin Different collapsible Sections and Filters Progressbars and visual Min-Coin-Warning Increased max. Update-Interval to 3600
Types of changes
- [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [X] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
- [N/A] I have read CONTRIBUTING.md
- [N/A] I fully understand Github Flow.
- [X] My code adheres to the code style of this project.
- [N/A] I have updated the documentation in /docs if I have changed the config, arguments, logic in how the bot works, or anything that understandably needs a documentation change.
- [N/A] I have updated the config file accordingly if my change requires a new configuration setting or changes an existing one.
- [N/A] I have tested the bot with no issues for 24 continuous hours. If issues were experienced, they have been patched and tested again.
General comment, use spaces (not tabs), keep things correctly aligned.
Do we need all the binary files? It's generaly a bad idea to commit binaries to git w/o annex or something similar.
I haven't found a hosted version of the cryptocoin-font, but it could be reduced to a single .woff2-file
'Show the amount of earned Coins since first UI-Start (Stored in localstorage)'
Not needed, we are going to have complete lending history in this branch: https://github.com/BitBotFactory/poloniexlendingbot/pull/349
Please correct tabs as it's really hard to review the code this way.
While I find displaying the opened loans interesting, displaying the cancel loan events is useless as this happens on every bot cycle and doesn't actually bring any information.
The filtering buttons are ignored when a reload happens. :)
I like the overall design, however I think many of the features should be discussed.
In general I would prefer to have first design change and then separate PRs for features... this will also make it easier to review and approve.
The creators of this bot are free to use only the non-controversial parts and open issues for discussions :-)
The design changes look really nice!
Hiding a bunch of stuff under accordions makes this design less practical though. I like to be able to view all the stats upon a glance. If I have to tap to open accordions, it takes time and effort. Arguably not much, but enough that it makes the old design more useful at this stage.
It gets really annoying when the bot refreshes the page and you lose all the accordion states! :(
I can change that behavior, thanks for the feedback :-)
https://github.com/dutu/poloLender has a clean interface too, if you want a different approach
How about using prettyFloat instead of printFloat ? :)
No problem, the function-description is quite vague ^^
Well it prints a pretty float with a specified accuracy. i.e. accuracy 2: 1.02332341 -> 1.0234 4556.1233 -> 456.12 1.00 -> 1 1.10 -> 1.1 etc...
Hi, with your branch i always receive the "DataTables warning: table id={id} - Requested unknown parameter '{parameter}' for row {row-index}, column{column-index}`" error and my "Opened Loan" tabs is empty even if i have opened loan.
The error raise up on "mydatatable.fnAddData(dataSet);" invokation.
interesting, never experienced this problem. how does your botlog.json look like ?
at fail time my botlog is like that (i've removed my coin amount):
{"last_status": "Lent: [0.xxxxxxxx BTC @ 0.1462%] ", "last_update": "2017-06-22 22:44:27", "log": ["2017-06-22 22:44:08 Using custom mindailyrate 0.100% for BTC", "2017-06-22 22:44:14 Not lending BTC due to rate below 0.1561%"], "outputCurrency": {"currency": "BTC", "highestBid": "1"}, "raw_data": {"BTC": {"averageLendingRate": "0.1461733644848254994269884326", "lentSum": "0.xxxxxxxx", "maxToLend": "0.xxxxxxxx", "totalCoins": "0.xxxxxxxx"}}}
you can solve the issue using code from emilam: https://github.com/emilam/poloniexlendingbot/commit/8ac76573651855b43ab193dcf46e1e16144ac704 and use all current active loans to fill the datatable
If there is no active Loan, i would run into the Problem again, so i just added a Check :-) It would be nice if emilam could push the py-Changes, so i can adapt my Code.
btw, I made a JSFiddle for prettyFloat https://jsfiddle.net/mut72zcp/
@tamaskan how about making this an alternate theme based on: https://github.com/BitBotFactory/poloniexlendingbot/commit/86c3521f65df2ef41bd41a62c5b34c45c644cd81 ?
some friends and i will work on an alternative frontend soon, but probably on my fork. It really needs an overhaul. I wanna try if vue.js could work and maybe replace bootstrap
@mchl18 have you seen the option to create alternate themes?
@rnevet sure, that is not a problem. @mchl18 awesome :-)
also wanna try and write a config interface...wip
@rnevet no i have not. I just fiddled with some css overlay but i think i want a complete overhaul
thought about a configuration-interface, but the main problem is to keep it up to date
i have some ideas and will try it on my fork
great :-) do you need help ?
I havent had time to set it up, wanna meet with some friends to discuss, if I run into questions i will let you know