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When submitting, author cannot return to first page of process
User Story
As an author, when I am submitting an article, I have to navigate a multipage process. I am guided through this by a chart at the top, which allows me to move back to previously completed pages, except for the first page.
As I'm entering information on a later page, I may realise I've made a mistake and want to check back on the first page, particularly as there is a rich text entry option on the first page, so it wasn't just a case of ticking some boxes which if not ticked I'd not be able to proceed.
Further the text the user enters on that first page under 'Competing Interests' shows up on the final page for checking, but there is no way to go back and edit it.
Solution I'd like
either: Include the start page in the map, but make the tick boxes non-editable.
Move the 'competing interest' text entry to a different page / new page. make the tick boxes for the start of the submission separate from the rest of this process, and don't include it in the visual map.
first page URL: /submit/start
subsequent pages: /submit/[article_id]/info
, /submit/[article_id]/authors
If there first page is just tick boxes, without agreeing to which one cannot proceed, then there is some sense in it not be editable later, but I think it should be distinguished from the rest of the pages, not part of the same map.
Currently the first page also has a rich text box for competing interest information, this should be editable during the process. Perhaps it should move to a different page?