Birgit Boss
Birgit Boss
@s-heppner may you please look again, I now added the PathType change as well as just discussed, thank you
see also for allowing AAS ID and Submodel ID within a Reference.
**Discussion in Workstream Specifications AAS:** - Part 1 requests definition of rdf:langstring, so no additional definition or constraint needed - in Schema validation of allowed values might be helpful but...
Bugfix: Constraint AASc-002 shall be renamed to Constraint AASc-3a-002 to be consistent wiht other constraints in document.
@mjacoby listed the remaining remaining problems in Added: links to other issues if existing + additional open item. - [x] **(1)** 2^53-1 is again missing the 5 - [x]...
For (3) I created a new issue: since I am not convinced to allow "all types" makes any sense for Range. @mjacoby If you want to request to remove... covers (1) and (2) + adding examples and a table similar to metadata fields table covers (4), (8) and (9) (5) ist still open, see The other...
So far the only datatype Part 1 is using from RDF is langString, all other types from RDF are not used in the metamodel. So from metamodel point of view...
2024-06-13 Workstream AAS Specs accepted, we stay with XML Schema 1.0 data types although RDF is using XML Schema 1.1 data types.