angular-star-rating icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
angular-star-rating copied to clipboard

Star Rating Angular Component written in typescript, based on css only techniques.

Results 18 angular-star-rating issues
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## I'm submitting a... [X] Bug report [ ] Feature request There is a related issue: ## Current behavior Only in case 'hoverEnabled' is 'true': * In Chromium: It...

type: bug

## I'm submitting a... [x] Bug report [ ] Feature request ## Current behavior Hello I have problems when compiling with universal angle I get the following, please your help,...

needs reproduction

## I'm submitting a... [x] Bug report [ ] Feature request ## Current behavior Setting numOfStars greater than 5 and setting to rating to greater than 5 never displays more...

type: bug

## I'm submitting a... [ ] Bug report [ ] Feature request ## Current behavior ## Expected behavior ## Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions ## Environment Library version:...

type: question

Hi, Can you please provide inline template support instead of external svg

type: feature

## I'm submitting a... [ ] Bug report [x] Feature request ## Current behavior On hover the rating jumps one by one(1 star, 2 stars...) ## Expected behavior i'd like...

type: feature

## I'm submitting a... [ ] Bug report [x ] Feature request ## Current behavior When you put the pointer over the star group appear a "star-filled" tooltip. I wanna...

type: feature

## I'm submitting a... [ ] Bug report [X] Feature request ## Current behavior When click, tabindex makes rating component focused and having a rect around. ## Expected behavior show...

type: feature

Hi, I'm using this star rating in my project. So far it's looking really good except one thing. The requirement that I'm working on needs to fill stars based on...

type: feature

How to custom the star size by overriding the css? Any examples? Thank you very much in advance for your help.

type: question