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A design system to visualize functional reactive programming based on ReactiveExtensions

Results 24 Rx-Marble-Design-System issues
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Intuitive spaces before perfect distance! Add this as text to the description

!Notice! => values are wrong bit not the visualisation! In some situations, we need to display nested operators. At the moment this is not solved. Below you see different versions...

help wanted

We need to find rules for vertical spacing. ![marbles draft (8)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10064416/63260259-b7fe2780-c280-11e9-8316-c3db0500a69e.png)

We need a way to "black box" operator logic. Followigthngs need to be considered: - Black-Boxing should follow strict rules. There has to be a way to systematically hide internal...

**❌Flattening Operators** Creation | Variants | Map | MapTo | All | Special || -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- ✅merge | |...

Decide a final rule for feedbacking values into an operator. Consider the following situations: ![RxJS Scan Operators](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10064416/62827498-45ca7a80-bbd0-11e9-82ef-a5ad7236b4f1.png) ![RxJS Scan Operators (1)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10064416/62827503-52e76980-bbd0-11e9-936a-f1305ff480b3.png) ![RxJS Scan Operators (2)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10064416/62827504-54b12d00-bbd0-11e9-9170-4d49ee0bf132.png) ![RxJS Flattening Operators](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10064416/62827505-567af080-bbd0-11e9-8514-26a42c3652a1.png)

Exact location here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LlVmTEcoc1LRV00Tp-rDp4kopI-NobC9S2w-w5pC_JA/edit#slide=id.g56c17c60e6_0_469

We need a reasonable description for creating diagrams for an operator. We should give a good general set of versions. slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LlVmTEcoc1LRV00Tp-rDp4kopI-NobC9S2w-w5pC_JA/edit#slide=id.g4a81679450_0_2493

help wanted

