ASDA copied to clipboard
This is an official pytorch implementation of Adversarial Semantic Data Augmentation for Human Pose Estimation. This code is based on the official pytorch implementation of HRNet.
python 3.7
Quick start
install dependency
Make libs
cd ${POSE_ROOT}/lib
- Install COCOAPI:
# COCOAPI=/path/to/clone/cocoapi
git clone $COCOAPI
# Install into global site-packages
make install
# Alternatively, if you do not have permissions or prefer
# not to install the COCO API into global site-packages
python3 install --user
Note that instructions like # COCOAPI=/path/to/install/cocoapi indicate that you should pick a path where you'd like to have the software cloned and then set an environment variable (COCOAPI in this case) accordingly.
- Init output(training model output directory) and log(tensorboard log directory) directory:
mkdir output
mkdir log
Your directory tree should look like this:
├── data
├── experiments
├── lib
├── log
├── models
├── output
├── tools
└── requirements.txt
- Download pretrained models from HRNet model zoo(GoogleDrive or OneDrive)
|-- models
|-- pytorch
|-- imagenet
| |-- hrnet_w32-36af842e.pth
| |-- hrnet_w48-8ef0771d.pth
| |-- resnet50-19c8e357.pth
| |-- resnet101-5d3b4d8f.pth
| |-- resnet152-b121ed2d.pth
|-- pose_coco
| |-- pose_hrnet_w32_256x192.pth
| |-- pose_hrnet_w32_384x288.pth
| |-- pose_hrnet_w48_256x192.pth
| |-- pose_hrnet_w48_384x288.pth
| |-- pose_resnet_101_256x192.pth
| |-- pose_resnet_101_384x288.pth
| |-- pose_resnet_152_256x192.pth
| |-- pose_resnet_152_384x288.pth
| |-- pose_resnet_50_256x192.pth
| |-- pose_resnet_50_384x288.pth
|-- pose_mpii
|-- pose_hrnet_w32_256x256.pth
|-- pose_hrnet_w48_256x256.pth
|-- pose_resnet_101_256x256.pth
|-- pose_resnet_152_256x256.pth
|-- pose_resnet_50_256x256.pth
Data preparation
For MPII data, please download from MPII Human Pose Dataset. The original annotation files are in matlab format. We use the json format from HRNet. You can download them from OneDrive or GoogleDrive. Extract them under {POSE_ROOT}/data, and make them look like this:
|-- data
`-- |-- mpii
`-- |-- annot
| |-- gt_valid.mat
| |-- test.json
| |-- train.json
| |-- trainval.json
| `-- valid.json
`-- images
|-- 000001163.jpg
|-- 000003072.jpg
For COCO data, please download from COCO download, 2017 Train/Val is needed for COCO keypoints training and validation. We use the person detection result provided by HRNet to reproduce our multi-person pose estimation results. You could download from OneDrive or GoogleDrive. Download and extract them under {POSE_ROOT}/data, and make them look like this:
|-- data
`-- |-- coco
`-- |-- annotations
| |-- person_keypoints_train2017.json
| `-- person_keypoints_val2017.json
|-- person_detection_results
| |-- COCO_val2017_detections_AP_H_56_person.json
| |-- COCO_test-dev2017_detections_AP_H_609_person.json
`-- images
|-- train2017
| |-- 000000000009.jpg
| |-- 000000000025.jpg
| |-- 000000000030.jpg
| |-- ...
`-- val2017
|-- 000000000139.jpg
|-- 000000000285.jpg
|-- 000000000632.jpg
|-- ...
Training and Testing
Training on MPII dataset
python tools/ \
--cfg experiments/mpii/hrnet/stn/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart1_bmp.yaml
Testing on MPII dataset
python tools/ \
--cfg experiments/mpii/hrnet/stn/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart1_bmp.yaml \
TEST.MODEL_FILE path/to/res_dir/model_best.pth
Multi-scale voting test
python tools/ \
--cfg experiments/mpii/hrnet/stn/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart1_bmp.yaml \
TEST.MODEL_FILE path/to/res_dir/model_best.pth
The parameters 'num_stage_to_fuse' and 'scale_pyramid' can be adjusted in the file to fuse predictions of different scales and stages. To avoid repeated predictions, after running this file, a file named 'test_preds_pyramid_mstage.npy' will be saved under ${POSE_ROOT}, which stores prediction results for num_scale scales and num_stage stages. When multi-scale prediction for different models is required, the file 'test_preds_pyramid_mstage.npy' needs to be deleted in advance.
Training on COCO dataset
python tools/ \
--cfg experiments/coco/hrnet/w32_256x192_adam_lr1e-3_numPart1_bmp_notBothHfpSa.yaml
Testing on COCO dataset
python tools/ \
--cfg experiments/coco/hrnet/w32_256x192_adam_lr1e-3_numPart1_bmp_notBothHfpSa.yaml \
TEST.MODEL_FILE path/to/res_dir/model_best.pth
Visualizing augmented image
python tools/ \
--cfg experiments/mpii/hrnet/stn/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart1_bmp.yaml
result will be saved in 'path/to/output_dir/stn_vis/'
Important Parameters
Name | Type | Optimal |
ASA.NUM_AUG | tuple | (1,) |
ASA.PART_ANN_FILE | str | './lip/parts_bmp_filter_done/part_anns.json' |
ASA.PART_ROOT_DIR | str | './lip/parts_bmp_filter_done/' |
ASA.BOTH_HF_SA | bool | False |
STN.LR | float | 0.001 |
STN.STN_FIRST | bool | 0 |
STN.NG | int | 1 |
STN.ND | int | 1 |
Model ZOO
MPII dataset
Name | Path |
HRNet-w32 Num_Parts1 | output/mpii/pose_hrnet2/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart1_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
HRNet-w32 Num_Parts2 | output/mpii/pose_hrnet2/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart2_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
HRNet-w32 Num_Parts3 | output/mpii/pose_hrnet2/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart3_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
HRNet-w32 Num_Parts4 | output/mpii/pose_hrnet2/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart4_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
HRNet-w32 Num_Parts6 | output/mpii/pose_hrnet2/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart6_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
HRNet-w32 Num_Parts8 | output/mpii/pose_hrnet2/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart8_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
Name | Path |
2-stacked hourglass Num_Parts1 | output/mpii/pose_hourglass/stack2_256x256_c256_adam_lr1e-3_stn_res18_numPart1_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
8-stacked hourglass Num_Parts1 | output/mpii/pose_hourglass/stack8_256x256_c256_adam_lr1e-3_stn_res18_numPart1_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
HRNet-w32 Num_Parts1 | output/mpii/pose_hrnet2/w32_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart1_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
HRNet-w48 Num_Parts1 | output/mpii/pose_hrnet2/w48_256x256_adam_lr1e-3_adversalstnlr0001_posefirst_res18_numPart1_nohfp_bmp/model_best.pth |
SIM50 Num_Parts4 | output/mpii/pose_resnet/res50_256x256_d256x3_adam_lr1e-3_stn_res18_numPart4/model_best.pth |
SIM101 Num_Parts1 | output/mpii/pose_resnet/res101_256x256_d256x3_adam_lr1e-3_stn_res18_numPart1/model_best.pth |
If you use our code or models in your research, please cite with:
title={Adversarial semantic data augmentation for human pose estimation},
author={Bin, Yanrui and Cao, Xuan and Chen, Xinya and Ge, Yanhao and Tai, Ying and Wang, Chengjie and Li, Jilin and Huang, Feiyue and Gao, Changxin and Sang, Nong},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},