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Corrections files of 42 School
Corrections files of 42 School (Paris)
All these corrections files are the exclusive property of 42 School.
Any reproduction, use outside the school context of 42 or without authorization is prohibited and may be treated as copyright infringement.
If you want to see all subjects of these projects, go HERE.
Unix branch
- Ft_ls (T1)
- minishell (T1)
- ft_select (Optional Project) (T1)
- 21sh (T2)
- 42sh (T3)
- Malloc (T2)
- ft_script (T1)
- Philosophers (T1)
- Nm-otool (T2)
- Dr Quine (T2)
- LibftASM (T2)
- strace (T2)
- ft_p (T2)
- IRC (T2)
- Lem-ipc (T2)
- ft_ping (T1)
- ft_traceroute (T1)
Algorithmic branch
- Ft_printf (T1)
- Push Swap (T1)
- Lem_in (T2)
- Mod1 (Optional Project) (T2)
- Corewar (T3)
- ComputorV1 (T1)
- ComputorV2 (T1)
- Expert System (T2)
- N-puzzle (T2)
- Ft_linear_regression (T1)
- Gomoku (T4)
Graphic branch
Web branch
Android / iOS branch
C++ branch
C Exam Beginner
Wanna see subjects & answers, go here.