I would also like to know that. Thank you very much for this ingenious add-on!
Thank you very much for the reply! I did not know that I have to re-index received messages for the new headers to be populated. Out of curiosity: Did you...
I now can confirm that ColumnsWizard works as expected, including custom headers, after I have re-indexed the messages. This is absolutely great. Finally an addon which enables us to actually...
@cleidigh Thank you very much for caring, and please excuse the delay. I didn't manage to test b5, but have just installed b6 ( Unfortunately, this made things worse: In...
@cleidigh I have just verified that the `New ...` button works in b5 (I did not test anything else in b5, though). The misbehavior must have been introduced from b5...
@cleidigh Thanks again for caring! In the meantime, I have tested b5 further. For my use cases, it works as expected and as intended. I have created three custom columns,...