webretro copied to clipboard
get save files and/or savestates from JS
I'm interested in launching a rom and when the user navigates back to the main page, I want to send either a save file or savestate back with them to do further processing. Is this possible or something that can be added without much difficulty?
one way replace can auto save file
in the "node.useBytes === 0" next line add
saveFIle:async stream=>{ let type = stream.path&&stream.path.split("/").pop(); if(!(/(srm$|state\d*)/.test(type))||Module[stream.path])return ;
let data = await (()=>new Promise(c=>{ let time = setInterval(()=>{ if(strem.fd==null){clearInterval(time);c(FS.readFile(stream.path))},1000/60 }); }))(); }
@DefaultAlias sorry for the late response, saves and states are stored in indexedDB, you can access them using this code:
let wIdb;
function openwIdb() {
var request = indexedDB.open("webretro", 2);
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
wIdb = e.target.result;
function setIdbItem(key, value, customTransaction) {
(customTransaction || wIdb.transaction("main", "readwrite")).objectStore("main").put({key: key, value: value});
function getIdbItem(key, customTransaction) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
(customTransaction || wIdb.transaction("main", "readwrite")).objectStore("main").get(key).onsuccess = function(e) {
resolve(e.target.result ? e.target.result.value : null);
function getAllIdbItems(customTransaction) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
(customTransaction || wIdb.transaction("main", "readwrite")).objectStore("main").getAll().onsuccess = function(e) {
resolve(e.target.result ? e.target.result : null);
function removeIdbItem(key, customTransaction) {
(customTransaction || wIdb.transaction("main", "readwrite")).objectStore("main").delete(key);
and getAllIdbItems
return promises, and can be await
You should use await getAllIdbItems()
in the browser console to view the structure of the objects.