I'm starting image processing myself with an ArduCAM and ESP8266. Are you sending the image over wifi to your ESP32? I haven't tried that yet, but can offer some thoughts...
It doesn't look like much image processing could be done by the ArduCAM itself, beyond setting light and color filters (including grayscale) by registry settings. I've since made the modification for an 80x60 (QQQVGA) BMP. This uses a quarter of the RAM to store the image buffer as compared to 160x120, and has an...
Sure. These are the steps to change the BMP resolution from QVGA (320x240) to QQQVGA (80x60): 1. In the ov2640_regs.h library registry file, make a copy of the struct sensor_reg...
Lee -- I'm actively developing machine vision for ArduCAM to recognize solid colored quadrilaterals, similar to PixCam. To date, I've done the following: 1) Read and change pixel red, blue,...
The first line should be a double ampersand (&&) and not a single ampersand (&). This is, unfortuantly, a recurring bug in the library examples, and has been noted by...
Check your connections. I’ve had similar bad images from a worn breadboard. Otherwise, you might try inserting delay() or yield() between calls to the ArduCAM and other devices to ensure...
Doesn't the ESP32-cam dev board also use an OV2640 camera?
The sketch you referenced demonstrates the various features of the ArduCAM, but the following two lines set the camera format to bitmap: myCAM.set_format(BMP); myCAM.InitCAM(); If your application is for bitmap...
I was able to modify code found on the ArduCAM_Mini_2MP_Plus_VideoStreaming.ino example sketch to capture a 160x120 BMP image, and write the image to file using ArduCAM_Host_V2. I used an OV2640_MINI_2MP_PLUS...