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Speeding up slow Statcast Database query
I followed the post here( in order to create a PostgreSQL Statcast database. I also followed the instructions to index. Simple summary functions are taking 93 seconds. Is there a way to fix/improve the Statcast database performance?
statcast %>%
filter(game_year >= 2019 & ! & ! %>%
group_by(game_year, pitcher) %>%
summarise(velo = mean(release_speed, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
arrange(desc(velo)) %>%
93.63 sec elapsed
This isn't really an issue with baseballr
, but when I run this I get a result in 24 seconds:
> library(baseballr)
> library(tidyverse)
> statcast_db <- myDBconnections::connect_Statcast_postgreSQL()
> tictoc::tic()
> tbl(statcast_db, 'statcast') %>%
+ filter(game_year >= 2019 & ! & ! %>%
+ group_by(game_year, pitcher) %>%
+ summarise(velo = mean(release_speed, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
+ arrange(desc(velo)) %>%
+ collect()
# A tibble: 2,347 x 3
# Groups: game_year [3]
game_year pitcher velo
<int> <int> <dbl>
1 2020 676979 98.0
2 2021 661403 97.5
3 2019 661403 97.4
4 2021 622251 97.2
5 2021 621237 97.1
6 2021 594798 96.9
7 2021 676206 96.8
8 2019 621237 96.7
9 2021 669358 96.7
10 2019 594027 96.6
# … with 2,337 more rows
> tictoc::toc()
24.632 sec elapsed
I have my data in a PostGreSQL 12 database, so that might account for some of the difference you are experiencing.
I have mine in a PostgreSQL 13 database. Could it be issues with the indexing? I followed your code in the blog post. Otherwise, could it be computer speed/RAM? I didn't think that could account for such a significant difference.
Have you changed or appended the statcast table in any way after you created the indexes? If so, you need to re-index whenever you make a change. You can check to see if they are still live with this code (change tablename as appropriate for your database):
schemaname = 'public'
tablename = 'statcast'
Here's what I currently have:
tablename|indexname |indexdef |
statcast |statcast_batter_index |CREATE INDEX statcast_batter_index ON public.statcast USING btree (batter) |
statcast |statcast_game_year |CREATE INDEX statcast_game_year ON public.statcast USING btree (game_year) |
statcast |statcast_gamepk |CREATE INDEX statcast_gamepk ON public.statcast USING btree (game_pk) |
statcast |statcast_index |CREATE INDEX statcast_index ON public.statcast USING btree (game_date) |
statcast |statcast_pitcher_index|CREATE INDEX statcast_pitcher_index ON public.statcast USING btree (pitcher)|
statcast |statcast_type |CREATE INDEX statcast_type ON public.statcast USING btree (type) |
Everything was identical. I re-indexed (I could have sworn that I made no changes after indexing) and now I'm at 7 seconds! Thanks! Quick question on current year scraping. Do you have code that outlines how you bind current year to historical?
Not sure what you mean. Once you have new data to upload to your database you case something like this (assuming all columns are properly cast to align with the database):
"<name of your table>",
append = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE)
I guess similar to how you mapped out how to build a historical statcast database, do you have an example/code that shows how the steps/functions for how you append the historical statcast database to include 2021 on a daily basis?