Bilal Syed Hussain
Bilal Syed Hussain
Did it used to work? What version of OSX/macOS are you using?
I still using 10.11, but I try to find the problem .
Are you tagging mp3s? I only get the bug to appear when using mp3s, m4a/aac work correctly for me. The problem is that the current version of iTunes is not...
Unlikely, unless apple fixes it. I will report the issue to apple to see if they fix their reading of the grouping field.
Thanks. I am not sure what the best way of displaying this to the user would be. I could call `GRP1` `iTunes grouping`. But for `TIT1` calling it `Work` would...
I could do this in the version if there time
Sorry I have not updated the screenshots let, the font is meant to be smaller now (since a lot of people were complaining it was too big). If the font...
Thanks for your PR. I don’t use the git plugin for zsh so I did not notice the problem. I will try to make the binding for g configurable to...
I have this problem as well