PersistentBottomNavBar copied to clipboard
Fixed onWillPop assert error
fix #308
@BilalShahid13 can you please merge this PR? It's needed for the willPopScope to work properly.
Thank you!
@yu1ro +1
Hello, can help merge this PR? willPopScope not working properly in PersistentTabView.custom.
Hey, would be nice if someone could merge this please. As @htunlin-kitesense mentioned, PersistentTabView.custom is currently impossible to use.
In flutter 3.7.8, the onWillPop creates some casting problems, which can be fixed by changing it to this:
onWillPop: !widget.handleAndroidBackButtonPress && widget.onWillPop != null ? () async { final result = await widget.onWillPop!(_contextList[_controller!.index]); return Future.value(result); }
Please help to merge this PR :c
For anyone ever come to this issue, here's the V2 that's actively maintained