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Recommended episodes and movies in same list
Not an issue, but a feature request:
Would it be possible to have this:
<content target="video">plugin://$INFO[Window.Property(recommendedmovies)]$INFO[Window.Property(recommendedepisodes)]</content>
populate the list in the order they were last played? At the moment, it loads them in order, like this:
[movie1] [movie2] [movie3] [episode1] [episode2]
Say I played movie 3 for a bit, then episode 2. I would like this list:
[movie3] [episode2] [movie1] [movie2] [episode1]
Playing episode 1, then movie 3 again produces
[movie3] [episode1] [episode2] [movie1] [movie2]
Well, you get the point. :) Look at how the Leanback launcher on Android TV shows recommendations. That's what I'm trying to accomplish.
Does this get seen by anyone automatically? Perhaps I need to ping @BigNoid ? Not really familiar with the issues part of github. :)