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A stupid experiment for LGR's stupid monitor
Welcome to your TOOM!
TATE mode DOOM for IBM PC compatibles by Matt Phillips
Email: [email protected] Twitter: @bigevilboss
Hell has tipped over, and all the devils are here. While we knew that the UAC's occult experiments would end in chaos and despair, we didn't expect their meddling would result in anything quite so... vertical.
Your hero, Ian Doombloke, was widely mocked among his squadron for the inoperable crick in his neck. For his whole life, he faced mockery and scorn, because his head was sort of bent to one side. But this kind of terrible fortune breeds resilience in those it touches. And on the day that Hell's big sods began spilling through the UAC VertiPortal™, Ian Doombloke knew his time had come.
While the other space marines quickly fell to the bendy onslaught, Ian excelled. No motion sickness for him. No recalculating angles of fire to cope with this rotated new world. For once, Ian Doombloke felt like he was walking through a world he understood.
For Ian Doombloke, right-angles are the right angles. Time to rip and tear (albeit with limited peripheral vision and a lot more ceiling than is really advised)!
Now, everyone knows that the only trve way to enjoy video games is in TATE, the screen display mode of champions. For the uninitiated, this means tipping a 4:3 screen over on its side, making for a playfield taller than it is wide. This was popular in arcade games of the 80s and 90s—proper shmups used it a lot. So why not DOOM?
Fire up TOOM, and you'll understand why not quite quickly.
- DOOM 1.9
- IBM 486 or compatible or higher
- VGA or SVGA card capable of 320x200 resolution
- MS-DOS 5 or higher
- A portrait aspect monitor
- Install DOOM 1.9
- Copy the contents of your TOOM disk to your DOOM installation directory
- Rotate your monitor, or your head
Big Thanks to
- LGR, for the inspiration
- @bhaal_spawn, for the kickass loading screen art
- Fabien Sanglard, author of the DOOM Game Engine Black Book
- Alexey Khokholov (Nuke.YKT), for rescuing and archiving the PCDoom-v2 source code
- Everyone at id Software, for creating the greatest game in the world
- Davydd Pattinson, for his dread invocations of vile occultism
- Satan, for creating endless waves of hellspawn for us to kill