BibratRanjan Pradhan

Results 6 comments of BibratRanjan Pradhan

After > @shoutashi @alisaaalehi @dehaisea > For error " undefined symbol:_ZTIN10tensorflow8OpKernelE": > Modify Makefile: > **TF_LIB = `python -c "import tensorflow; print(tensorflow.sysconfig.get_lib())"`** > CGPUFLAGS = -L$(CUDA_HOME)/lib -L$(CUDA_HOME)/lib64 -lcudart **-L$(TF_LIB) -ltensorflow_framework**...

I'am using Ubuntu 16.04, tensorflow 1.10.1, cuda 9.0, cudnn 7

removing -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 solved the issue

I'am trying to load the pickle weights (r2.5d_d34_l32_ft_sports1m.pkl) using : with open('r2.5d_d34_l32_ft_sports1m.pkl', 'rb') as fopen: blobs = pickle.load(fopen) But I'am getting errors. I'am attempting to convert caffe2 weights to pytorch....