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What license is this code released under? | 此代码以什么许可证发布?
Things that you create and don't specify a license for, are automatically copyrighted to you - and not re-usable by others without explicit permission for each use.
As far as I can see, there's no license specified for this repository, so anyone who wants to use it would need to get permission directly from you for each use. in fact, in the package.json
, private
is set to true
- generally taken to mean that this code is copyrighted by you and not available for others to use.
Is this intentional? If not, you should specify the license, so others can use it.
------------------- Google Translate --------------------------
据我所知,没有为该存储库指定许可证,因此任何想要使用它的人都需要直接从您那里获得每次使用的许可。 实际上,在package.json中,private设置为true,通常是指该代码已由您拥有版权,其他人无法使用。
这是故意的吗? 如果没有,则应指定许可证,以便其他人可以使用它。