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This Project will let you install termux black . metasploit , various tools and Kali Nethunter Rootless without any error in your Termux.



All In One Package For Termux

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@Bhavik_Tutorials ❤️

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What is Megapackage??

Its Hard to Install Every Huge Tool like Metasploit, Kali Nethunter Rootless and Other Neccesarry Tools Together in Click. So We Thought to Build a Package where you Guys Can Install all this Just in Click But thats not only Feature of this Megapackage. We guys also have include a GodeMode(Termux-Black) Which Slightly reduce the error of unlocated package because of little change in sources.list Which make this Termux-Megapackage as Good as Heaven for Termux User.

Installation Termux-Megapackage

  • Commands for termux
$ termux-setup-storage

$ pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install git -y

$ git clone https://github.com/Bhaviktutorials/Termux-Megapackage

$ ls

$ cd Termux-Megapackage

$ ls

$ chmod +x *

$ ./install.sh

$ m-pkg

For Video Tutorial:-


You can download the required package as per your need :)

(Just Open Issue As A Package Request)

List Of Available Packages

  1. zphisher
  2. HiddenEye
  3. shark
  4. T-Remix
  5. GodMode
  6. WireShark
  7. Termux-Keys
  8. metasploit-framework
  9. Kali-nethunter-termux
  10. Optical-Framework
  11. ubuntu-in-termux
  12. ghost
  13. TBomb
  14. WishFish
  15. Impulse
  16. lockphish
  17. RED_HAWK
  18. termux-omz
  19. cupp
  20. Fakeroot


After Installing Termux-Megapackage:- Screenshot_20200914_161120

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Development by :-

Developer / Author: Ashish / Bhavik Oza

Company: Bhavik Tutorials

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