Hello! What you mean under "old demo" and could you provide some code where you create SaveOptions and call TiffSaver?
There are many changes in API since version ALso latest version is So try latest version of library nad if it not helps you, please provide some code....
Please provide some code to understand what is wrong. Do you use TiffSaver or TiffConverter?
There are few ways to save image. Provide choice which you used
CCITTFAX3 and 4 support only binary images(black and white without alpha, color and grayscale). So when you use CCITTFAX compression - image transformed to binary image. LZW just compress colorfull...
So if you using binary filter and has image with only black and white pixels - use CCITTFAX3 or 4. it should get minimum size.
@kirantpatil ```java //For greyscale you should use bitmap in greyscale. Library couldn't make greyscale image from colorfull image Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("/sdcard/Download/test_greyscale.png"); File gr100f = new File("/sdcard/Download/greyscale100.tif"); TiffSaver.SaveOptions gr100 =...
@kirantpatil Sorry for long answer. Library not provide dirrect way to change bit depth. CCITTFAX4, CCITTFAX3 and CCITTRLE have 1 bit per component and 1 component per pixel JPEG has...
Library has only debug build version, but it works in release build types. Maybe you forgot add rules to proguard? ``` -keep class org.beyka.tiffbitmapfactory.**{ *; } ``` If with proguard...
Only option that I never try with lib is multiDexEnabled. Could you try to remove that option and test build? Thank you