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Results 18 big-react issues
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增加 jsconfig.json 配置方便阅读代码时在各个模块之间跳转。 参考:

Hey, stumbled upon this repo. This looks fantastic, as I went through the website a bit with a translator. I think, lots of people would benefit from learning all of...


![QQ截图20230513144101]( 如果更新一个高优先级的任务,那么会触发update,执行ensureRootIsScheduled,在里面已经加入了performConcurrentWorkOnRoot。 然后在图中也就是上一次的performConcurrentWorkOnRoot又执行了一次ensureRootIsScheduled。那么performConcurrentWorkOnRoot是不是被重复添加了两次? ![QQ截图20230513144318](

Bumps [postcss]( from 8.4.19 to 8.4.31. Release notes Sourced from postcss's releases. 8.4.31 Fixed \r parsing to fix CVE-2023-44270. 8.4.30 Improved source map performance (by @​romainmenke). 8.4.29 Fixed Node#source.offset (by...


[]( 大佬这个文件中`processUpdateQueue`目前计算时, basicStateReducer(baseState, action) 感觉地方不应该用baseState而是我们计算出的新的newState

请可以运行这个例子,[](url) 点击后组件的destory执行顺序为 ![image](。 而在本项目中执行顺序与官方实现不一致,下图为本项目中的打印顺序为 ![image]( 官方实现在没有标记的ChildDeletion的组件会先执行 commitPassiveUnmountEffects_complete(), 从而执行destory方法。并不是像我们实现的直接先执行所有要删除组件的destory。

Bumps [vite]( from 3.2.4 to 3.2.7. Changelog Sourced from vite's changelog. 3.2.7 (2023-05-26) fix: port #13348 to v3, fs.deny with leading double slash (#13349) (0574f80), closes #13348 #13349 3.2.6 (2023-04-18)...
