qrgen icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
qrgen copied to clipboard

🔗 QrGen.cc lets you create QR-Codes and shortened URLs from any link quickly and easily

qrgen.cc - QR-Code generator/url-shortener

Server Client Coverage Status

QrGen.cc is a free service that lets you create QR-Codes and shortened URLs from any link quickly and easily


Live Website

The live version of this project can be found here: https://qrgen.cc


This repo contains the source code for the qrgen.cc QR-Code generator/url-shortener. Just add qrgen.cc/ infront of a url and get a QR-Code aswell as a short url. Alternatively you can visit qrgen.cc and create them manually. The website is build with a Node.js/Express backend and a vue.js frontend. The built vue.js files are hosted by the express server.


There is also a Chrome/Firefox extension available. It lets you create a QR-Code/short URL by simply pressing the icon in your browser, or even with a keyboard shortcut. More info here


Download the repo:

git clone https://github.com/BetaHuhn/qrgen

Change directory:

cd qrgen

Create .env file:

nano .env


DB_CONNECTION_STRING=Your MongoDB connection string; defaults to mongodb://localhost:27017/qrgen
PORT=Port the server runs on; defaults to 3000

Install dependencies:

npm run dependencies

Build backend and frontend:

npm run build

Start app:

npm run start



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details