Il2CppInterop copied to clipboard
Injected fields returning injected types cause a crash
If you do the following
public partial class TestPluginPlugin : BasePlugin
public override void Load()
MyBehaviour myBehaviour = new GameObject().AddComponent(Il2CppType.Of<MyBehaviour>()).Cast<MyBehaviour>();
MyTestObj myTestObj = new GameObject().AddComponent(Il2CppType.Of<MyTestObj>()).Cast<MyTestObj>();
myTestObj.myBehaviour.Value = myBehaviour;
MyTestObj myNewTest = Object.Instantiate(myTestObj).Cast<MyTestObj>();
Log.LogMessage("myNewTest.myBehaviour.mySpriteRenderer: " + myNewTest.myBehaviour.Value);
public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
public MyBehaviour(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { }
public Il2CppReferenceField<GameObject> mySpriteRenderer;
public class MyTestObj : MonoBehaviour
public MyTestObj(IntPtr ptr) : base(ptr) { }
public Il2CppReferenceField<MyBehaviour > myBehaviour;
The game will crash once you call Object.Instantiate(myTestObj)
Though, if you switch the return type to be something more generic i.e MonoBehaviour in myBehaviour, it works fine
Decompiling that method (for my game) in ILSpy, I get some warnings, which may or may not be related.
public unsafe static T Instantiate<T>(T original) where T : Object
//IL_0051->IL0056: Incompatible stack types: I vs Ref
//IL_0044->IL0056: Incompatible stack types: I vs Ref
IntPtr* ptr = stackalloc IntPtr[1];
ref T reference;
if (!typeof(T).IsValueType)
T val = original;
reference = ref *(?*)((!(val is string)) ? IL2CPP.Il2CppObjectBaseToPtr(val as Il2CppObjectBase) : IL2CPP.ManagedStringToIl2Cpp(val as string));
reference = ref original;
*ptr = (nint)System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.AsPointer(ref reference);
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.SkipInit(out IntPtr exc);
IntPtr objectPointer = IL2CPP.il2cpp_runtime_invoke(MethodInfoStoreGeneric_Instantiate_Public_Static_T_T_0<T>.Pointer, (IntPtr)0, (void**)ptr, ref exc);
return IL2CPP.PointerToValueGeneric<T>(objectPointer, isFieldPointer: false, valueTypeWouldBeBoxed: true);