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Harmony built on top of MonoMod.RuntimeDetours with additional features

Results 41 HarmonyX issues
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Hey, I'm using HarmonyX in unity (editor) do to some tracking on native calls for debugging purposes. It works fine in editor (besides https://github.com/BepInEx/HarmonyX/issues/92 which I hacked quickly), but in...

Hey! I'm using HarmonyX with unity (in editor directly), trying to patch & unpatch in play mode. After I call Harmony.UnpatchAll(); the methods still seems to be patched. ``` public...


Patch: ``` [HarmonyPatch] public class SpeakHook { [HarmonyTargetMethod] static MethodBase TargetMethod() { MethodInfo target = AccessTools.Method(typeof(SpeechController), nameof(SpeechController.Speak), [ typeof(Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.List).MakeByRefType(), ... other types ]); return target; } [HarmonyPostfix] public static void...


When did it start to support net 7 or 8?

Transpiler has label issue for specific CIL. Applying an empty Transpiler Patch to the following function will change the jump label position. `leave IL_002f` was modified to `leave IL_0024`, causing...

Does it support NET6?Compile and run without any issues, publish an error.Upgrade MonoMod.RuntimeDetour version to 25?

Pay attention to `IL_0129`, the `leave` instruction at the end of the Try block. Compared to IL when only Prefix is applied the operand is changed completely and points at...

Not sure if this use case can be fixed or not, but with a hot loader, it has no issue with prefix or postfix reloading, but if you reload a...

![2023-03-26_222846](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/822865/227796952-995db023-ec56-40c3-aed0-c3c416aeb53f.png) ![2023-03-26_222902](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/822865/227796960-35abf1d0-88d1-44b8-aa79-f0542533ccd3.png) Use this patch function, original Harmony - ok, HarmonyX - failed ... After debugger - HarmonyX decode Bge_Un_S as Bge_Un ... ``` [HarmonyPatch(typeof(MinecartDiggerHelper), "TryDigging")] static IEnumerable Transpiler(IEnumerable instructions)...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5765360/229008442-12a9981e-4f6b-4162-a302-c738e2f21b70.png) first I put the dlls in Unity's plugin folder: And then I copy paste the code in C# console app ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5765360/229008806-c37032f0-c0f2-40d9-b451-f7bddeb002f0.png) And I got this error: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception...