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Train GEMMA on TPU/GPU! (Codebase for training Gemma-Ko Series)


This document outlines the integration of the Gemma model into the EasyLM framework, including instructions for training, converting the model format, and serving the model with Gradio.

Training: Integrating HF Flax Weights into EasyLM

Step 1: Consolidate Flax Weights from Hugging Face

You can skip this step with downloading

Firstly, concatenate all Flax model weights available at: Hugging Face - Gemma 7B.

Use the following example code to accomplish this:

from transformers import GemmaForCausalLM

model = GemmaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("google/gemma-7b", torch_dtype="auto")
model.save_pretrained("./flax-concatted", max_shard_size="99GB")

This script generates a flax-concatted/flax_model.msgpack file. We will utilize this .msgpack file during the training process.

Step 2: Upload the .msgpack File to Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

Execute the following command to upload the generated .msgpack file to your GCS repository:

gsutil cp ./flax-concatted/flax_model.msgpack gs://YOUR_GCS_REPO_NAME

Step 3: Modify the Script

Adjust the paths for load_checkpoint, train_dataset.json_dataset.path, and logger.output_dir within the script to match your setup.

The provided example script assumes training will be conducted on a TPUv4-64 pod slice.

Step 4: Initiate Training

Execute the training script to start the training process:


Conversion: From EasyLM to Hugging Face Format

Step 1: Retrieve the streaming_train_state File

Download the streaming_train_state file from your GCS repository using the following command:

gsutil cp gs://YOUR_GCS_REPO_NAME/.../streaming_train_state_80000 .

Note: The file name will either be streaming_train_state or streaming_train_state_STEPNO.

Step 2: Update the .stream File Path

In the file, modify the path to the .stream file accordingly:

# Modify this line
_, param = StreamingCheckpointer.load_trainstate_checkpoint(load_from='trainstate_params::/home/latheledusjp/streaming_train_state_80000')

Step 3: Execute the Conversion Script

Run the conversion script to convert the EasyLM model format to Hugging Face's format:


Step 4: Verify the Output Files

Check the generated output files in the ./gemma-ko-8.5b-dev directory.

The Flax-version of the weight file can be found in the ./flax-gemma-ko-8b folder.

Serving the Model with Gradio

To serve the model using Gradio, follow these steps:

cd EasyLM/models/gemma
pip install -r serving_requirements.txt

Original EasyLM Reference

If you found EasyLM useful in your research or applications, please cite using the following BibTeX:

  author = {Geng, Xinyang},
  title = {EasyLM: A Simple And Scalable Training Framework for Large Language Models},
  month = March,
  year = 2023,
  url = {}


  • The LLaMA implementation is from JAX_llama
  • The JAX/Flax GPT-J and RoBERTa implementation are from transformers
  • Most of the JAX utilities are from mlxu
  • The codebase is heavily inspired by JAXSeq