Benoit Adam
Benoit Adam
I think I may misunderstood what the plugin is about. Is it suppose to Tidy Text or Colorize it ? Le jeudi 6 février 2020 à 05:27:57 UTC+1, MarnusTainthong a...
About the same here : _1rst launch : Xenia create the save, then crash (see log) 2nd launch : Xenia run the game, black screen but I hear the sound/music,...
> I'm running the game on a i7 7700K with a RTX 2060 and the game crashes every single time I complete a mission. Please consider attaching your "xenia.log" files....
> where can i get the 457.51. xenia build? he talk about nvidia driver version, not xenia.
Guy here couldn't finish the game on PCSX2 :
> Right, [here]( is the spot where ColourShed encounters the issue with PCSX2. I haven't tested Driv3r lately but it's likely still the same given that it also abuses PS2...
Fact : REDRIVER 2 has custom chase added Maybe @SoapyMan can help here ?
Ok I did it but still an error : `*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Build fingerprint: 'xiaomi/ginkgo/ginkgo:10/QKQ1.200114.002/V12.0.1.0.QCOMIXM:user/release-keys' Revision: '0'...
I put it on my sdcard But I didn't knew if I was supposed to put it in : [SDcard]/OpenLara or [SDcard]/sdcard/OpenLara So I put it in both of them...
Finally Supermodel 3 on Github ! Keep up the good work guys ! EDIT : I am one of the users still using Legacy 3D Engine ;)