Same Issue here. After some debugging I found out, that there seems to be a conflict with StoreDevtools for NgRx in my case. As soon as I removed `StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument()` from...
I've played around some more. In my case the problem also disappears, if I disable the "_Redux Devtools_"-Extension in Chrome. I think the cause of the error is either _StoreDevtools...
@TheCoderFish @CheetahDev Could you check if even with *Angular Devtools* disabled/uninstalled but _Redux Devtools / Store Devtools_ enabled you can cause a ChangeDectection with a dummy-Message: ``` window.postMessage({ "source": "dummy"...
Sorry to bump this, but are there any news on this issue? I also ran into this problem today :(
Maybe it would make sense to also change entityStateDisplay in entity.js? The following line also does not allow us to use last_changed/last_updated: ``` let value = config.attribute ? stateObj.attributes[config.attribute] :...
I just played around some more and went a bit through your code. This behaviour is caused by the button losing and regaining focus as soon as the modal is...
Thanks @peterblazejewicz for your answer. Do you think making this behavior configurable may be an option? (See the last paragraph in the [answer to myself]( Something like: ```ts, {restoreFocusOnClose:...
After further investigation I found out, that this behavior is caused by different "ecosystems" for the same cpeEntries in the different DBs. When executing the following SQL query: ``` SELECT...
@jeremylong To provide as much info as possible: Both databases where created "from scratch". I didn't have any older db-Versions on my testing machine and for both it was the...
@echalone I'm pretty sure this related to We're facing similar problems because the ecosystem of mongodb:mongodb is (often) not consistent for all CPEs