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Feature Request: switch for number.luxtronik2_dhw_thermal_desinfection_target
hi benpru,
I would like to request to get a sensor where I can turn on/off thermal desinfection, if possible. The integration gives me the target temperature but no switch since on the device it comes with another timebased menu to choose which day of the week it should run. With an older AI LWD 70 there is no fancy new webclient for me showing the physical menu since AI obvisiouly has stopped newer firmware for my heat pump. I am on V2.88.3. Having such a menu it would be easy to use from remote, but i have to stay in front of it to turn it on/off. The reason for this feature request is simply to turn thermal desinfection on when having a lot of solar power left which I don't want to waste buy selling it to the grid.
cheers alex