Benjamin Nickolls
Benjamin Nickolls
merged disputed orders and update to stripe for car fingerprinting. rebase and review current pr (order in review)
I might propose the following as a user story: > as a open source programme manager I want to see where my organisation is investing in open source projects and...
W3 update - wireframing design, based on pitch+kickoff conversation - kickstarting frontend template/framework for building outside of frontend
- conversation re. demo/prototype - define next steps form an eng perspective vs. the design and product vision (@iamronen)
quick update with notes from yesterday's call: - we would love to be able to introduce some filters (specifically the amount of time presented) - we'd love to be able...
moving past motivation and into implementation: approaches that we can pursue here: 1) Indexing content from existing platforms (open collective, gratipay) 2) Allowing maintainers to 'claim' a project and adding...
I think this exposes the thing that we need to split: individual one-off funds versus repeating funds. Thinking more generally about the kinds of support a project receives: - indirect...
I think we also need to draw a line somewhere on advertising too. Could 'company X supports project Y' be a positive thing? Potentially. If we want more companies to...
I would say that Patreon is in the same bucket at Gratipay/OpenCollective and we should treat it that way for now (even if they would rather be the support engine...
Good point. I'm glad we started talking this through before diving in 😅