Did you change your service sites in votesites.yml accordingly?
pick a votesite, vote on it, look in console for `[VotingPlugin] Received a vote from service site 'SERVICESITEHERE' by player 'BenCodez'!` check if the service site (under VoteSites.yml for the...
> BestMinecraftServers: Enabled: true Name: BestMinecraftServers Priority: 1 Hidden: false ServiceSite: VoteURL: VoteDelay: 24 WaitUntilVoteDelay: true VoteDelayDaily: true ForceOffline: false DisplayItem: Material: DIAMOND Amount: 1 CoolDownEndRewards: Messages: Player:...
Did you set that message somewhere?
Does using this help?
Set debuglevel to EXTRA and send the log when that happens again
It should support pages if you have enough items. I can see what I can do about more than one voteshop, but I'd have to change how the files are...
Is your entire network in offline mode? `OnlineMode: false`
Is your server and proxy in online mode or offline mode? I already looked at your config.
Not really sure if it will work for you in offline mode. Even in online mode bedrock support is kinda 50/50.