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No reward voteparty
Versions I used version 6.16.2 and it didn't work, then I changed to 6.15.1 and it didn't work either
Hello, I have a problem with the vote party section, it does not give the rewards to the players and it does not execute the commands that are added, even when I do /av voteparty force. If you could help me I would appreciate it, what information do you need from the config? (but if the rewards for normal votes work) excuse my bad English
To disable reward set value to {}
or remove entirely
FirstVote: {} (All in one line)
Rewards will be given if there is a reward to give, otherwise they will be ignored
First vote rewards
FirstVote: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted for your first time!'
First vote of the day reward
FirstVoteToday: {}
All vote rewards
One time reward for voting on all sites in one day
Enable ExtraAllSitesCheck if you get double rewards
AllSites: Messages: Player: '&aYou voted on all sites in 1 day!'
Give a reward for voting on all sites minus 1
Similar to allsites
Player: '&aYou almost voted on all sites in 1 day!'
If true only cumulative reward at a time can be given
The cumulative rewards will go in order as listed under Cumulative, so if true
the first cumulative (in the order as listed) that can be given will, then will ignore the rest
OnlyOneCumulative: false
NOTE: This is not a 1 time reward, that's what milestones are for!
If total votes (Can be changed) divided by cumulative amount
and with no remainder (So divides perfectly) then a reward is given
Number of votes required
Allows multiple cumulative rewards
Number be be around ' (E.g. '1')
Can have multiple listed here
'20': Enabled: false # Whether or not votes must be made in same day/week # Useful if you want to require a certain number of voting sites to be voted on # for a daily/weekly reward instead of all of them # Valid options # AllTime # Monthly # Weekly # Daily TotalToUse: AllTime # Blacklist recurring votes #BlackList: #- 40 # Whether or not to gives cumulative reward for every x number of votes, default: true #Recurring: true Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou got %cumulative% cumulative votes!'
Vote party configuration
Wether or not vote party is enabled
Enabled: true
Number of votes required to give rewards
VotesRequired: 10
Increase the amount of votes required on each vote party reached
#IncreaseVotesRquired: 10
If true, players who did not vote to reach the votes required will
recieve the reward
If false, only players who voted get rewards
GiveAllPlayers: false
If true, give online players the vote party reward
Can also use RewardType: ONLINE if you wanted
GiveOnlinePlayersOnly: true
If true, the vote count will reset each day
ResetEachDay: false
If true, the vote count will reset each week
ResetWeekly: false
Reset at the end of the month
ResetMonthly: false
If true, will give voteparty only once per day
OnlyOncePerDay: false
If true, will give voteparty once per week only
OnlyOncePerWeek: false
Reset extra votes weekly
ResetExtraVotesWeekly: false
Reset extra votes monthly
ResetExtraVotesMonthly: false
Count votes from /av vote?
CountFakeVotes: true
Number of user votes that apply to vote party total the user needs to get rewards
UserVotesRequired: 0
Count offline votes
CountOfflineVotes: true
Broadcast when vote party reached
Broadcast: '&cReached the vote party amount!'
Send a broadcast at a certain number of votes left and send a vote reminder
VoteReminderBroadcast: '%votesrequired% left to go, go vote!'
List of votes required amounts for when to send vote party reminders
VoteReminderAtVotes: []
List of commands to execute, these only execute once.
%player% does not work here
GlobalCommands: []
List of commands to execute once
Only run will run
GlobalRandomCommand: []
Rewards to give per player
Rewards: RewardType: ONLINE Rewards: # Uncomment below for online players to be rewarded only #RewardType: ONLINE Items: TRIPWIRE_HOOK: ItemStack: v: 3700 type: TRIPWIRE_HOOK meta: ==: ItemMeta meta-type: UNSPECIFIC display-name: '{"text":"","extra":[{"text":";;","obfuscated":true,"italic":false,"color":"gold"},{"text":"Llave Caja Vote","obfuscated":false,"italic":false,"color":"gold"},{"text":";;","obfuscated":true,"italic":false,"color":"gold"}]}' lore: - '{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Cajeala en el spawn","italic":false,"color":"dark_purple"}]}' PublicBukkitValues: |- { "": "vote" }
Reset milestones at end of the month
ResetMilestonesMonthly: false
One time reward to be given (unless you reset it somehow)
Number of votes required
Allows multiple milestones
Number be around ' (E.g. '1')
Can have multiple listed here
'20': Enabled: false Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou got %milestone% milestone votes!'
Valid options: Day, Week, Month
Day: # Number of days in a row # Each day requires one vote # Add a - to give a reward for every multiple (e.g. 2- = 2,4,6,8, and so on) # This may not work perfectly on bungee setups at this time '2': # Enabled or not Enabled: false # Rewards to give Rewards: Messages: Player: "&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%'s in a row!" Week: # Number of weeks in a row # Requires atleast one vote per week '2': # Enabled or not Enabled: false # Rewards to give Rewards: Messages: Player: "&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%'s in a row!" Month: # Number of months in a row # Requires atleast 1 vote per month '2': # Enabled or not Enabled: false # Rewards to give Rewards: Messages: Player: "&aYou voted for %Streak% %Type%'s in a row!" Requirement: # Require certain percentage of votes UsePercentage: false # Percentage requirements of votes # 50 = %50 Day: 50 Week: 50 Month: 50
Reward given when all votesites are available to vote on
Don't use this unless you really need it
Little performance intensive
Recommend add RewardType: ONLINE for it to only work online
VoteCoolDownEndedReward: []
Any reward files listed here are ran on vote of any site
It is recommended to add rewards to each site instead of here
Using forceoffline won't work here
Use EverySiteReward in VoteSites.yml for a global reward for each site
AnySiteRewards: {}
Rewards to run when player logs in
LoginRewards: {}
Rewards to run when player logs off
Will queue until player logs in unless forceoffline is enabled
LogoutRewards: {}
EnableMonthlyAwards: true
TopVoter Placeholders:
#%place% - place in topvoter #%topvoter% - topvoter type #%votes% - current total votes related to top voter
Rewards to give
Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc...
Using 1-10 will reward players in first to tenth place with the same reward
1: Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!' 2: Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!'
EnableWeeklyAwards: false
Rewards to give on weekly top voter
Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc...
1: Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!' 2: Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!'
EnableDailyRewards: false
Rewards to give on daily top voter
Position. 1 is first in top voter, 2 is second, etc...
1: # Reward files to give Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in first place in %TopVoter%!' 2: Rewards: Messages: Player: '&aYou came in second place in %TopVoter%!'