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`some` in context schema as requirement for instantiating `block`
Consider the following Twelf excerpt from the mechanization of Standard ML. Here, unmap-tequiv
is proved in a world that includes unmap-bind
%block unmap-bind
: some {K:kind} {B:etp} {Dmap:tunmap B K} {Dwf:kd-wf K}
block {a:con} {da:cn-of a K} {das:cn-assm da}
{_:mcn-assm da das}
{_:cn-of-reg da Dwf}
{x:eterm} {dx:evof x B} {xt:unmap x a}
{_:can-unmap x xt}
{_:unmap-vof dx xt Dmap da}.
unmap-tequiv : tequiv A B
-> tunmap A K
-> tunmap B L
-> kd-equiv K L -> type.
%mode unmap-tequiv +X1 +X2 +X3 -X4.
- : unmap-tequiv (tequiv/sigma DequivB DequivA) (tunmap/sigma DmapB1 DmapA1) (tunmap/sigma DmapB2 DmapA2)
(kd-equiv/sigma DequivB' DequivA')
<- unmap-tequiv DequivA DmapA1 DmapA2 DequivA'
<- kd-equiv-reg DequivA' DwfA' _
<- ({a} {e} {es}
mcn-assm e es
-> cn-of-reg e DwfA'
-> {x} {d} {xt}
can-unmap x xt
-> unmap-vof d xt DmapA1 e
-> unmap-tequiv (DequivB x d) (DmapB1 x a xt) (DmapB2 x a xt) (DequivB' a e)).
For the last appeal to the induction hypothesis, DwfA'
(obtained by kd-equiv-reg DequivA' DwfA' _
) is a proof that the kind of constructor a
is well-formed. This is asserted by -> cn-of-reg e DwfA'
is required to instantiate the block in unmap-bind
because we have some ... {Dwf:kd-wf K} block ...
Otherwise the appeal to the induction hypothesis would fail because unmap-tequiv
is not necessarily provable in the variable case with the weaker world that does not require {Dwf:kd-wf K}
In Beluga/Harpoon, that appeal to the induction hypothesis works even though DwfA'
is not proved.
This may not be sound.
Below is a translation of the Twelf excerpt without using kd-equiv-reg
LF con : type =;
LF kind : type =
| sigma : kind -> (con -> kind) -> kind
LF cn-of : con -> kind -> type =;
LF kd-wf : kind -> type =;
LF eterm : type =
and etp : type =
| esigma : etp -> (eterm -> etp) -> etp
LF unmap : eterm -> con -> type =;
LF tunmap : etp -> kind -> type =
| tunmap/sigma :
tunmap A1 K1 ->
({x : eterm} {a : con} unmap x a ->
tunmap (A2 x) (K2 a)) ->
tunmap (esigma A1 A2) (sigma K1 K2)
--name tunmap Dtunmap.
LF eof : eterm -> etp -> type =;
LF tequiv : etp -> etp -> type =
| tequiv/sigma :
tequiv A A' ->
({ x : eterm } eof x A -> tequiv (B x) (B' x)) ->
tequiv (esigma A B) (esigma A' B')
--name tequiv Dtequiv.
LF kd-equiv : kind -> kind -> type =
| kd-equiv/sigma :
kd-equiv K1 K1' ->
({ a : con } cn-of a K1 -> kd-equiv (K2 a) (K2' a)) ->
kd-equiv (sigma K1 K2) (sigma K1' K2')
schema unmap-bind =
some [K : kind, B : etp, Dmap : tunmap B K, Dwf : kd-wf K]
block (a : con, da : cn-of a K, x : eterm, dx : eof x B, xt : unmap x a);
proof unmap-tequiv :
(g : unmap-bind)
[g |- tequiv A B] ->
[g |- tunmap A K] ->
[g |- tunmap B L] ->
[g |- kd-equiv K L] =
/ total 1 /
{ g : unmap-bind,
A : (g |- etp),
B : (g |- etp),
K : (g |- kind),
L : (g |- kind)
| x : [g |- tequiv A B], x1 : [g |- tunmap A K], x2 : [g |- tunmap B L]
; split x as
case tequiv/sigma:
{ g : unmap-bind,
X : (g |- etp),
X2 : (g, x : eterm |- etp),
X1 : (g |- etp),
X3 : (g, z : eterm |- etp),
K : (g |- kind),
L : (g |- kind),
Dtequiv : (g |- tequiv X X1),
Dtequiv1 :
(g, x : eterm, y : eof x (X[..]) |- tequiv (X2[.., x]) (X3[.., x]))
| x : [g |- tequiv (esigma X (\z2. X2)) (esigma X1 (\z2. X3))],
x1 : [g |- tunmap (esigma X (\z2. X2)) K],
x2 : [g |- tunmap (esigma X1 (\z2. X3)) L]
; split x1 as
case tunmap/sigma:
{ g : unmap-bind,
X : (g |- etp),
X2 : (g, x : eterm |- etp),
X1 : (g |- etp),
X3 : (g, z : eterm |- etp),
X5 : (g |- kind),
X7 : (g, z : con |- kind),
L : (g |- kind),
Dtequiv : (g |- tequiv X X1),
Dtequiv1 :
(g, x : eterm, y : eof x (X[..]) |- tequiv (X2[.., x]) (X3[.., x])),
Dtunmap : (g |- tunmap X X5),
Dtunmap1 :
(g, x : eterm, a : con, y : unmap x a |-
tunmap (X2[.., x]) (X7[.., a]))
| x : [g |- tequiv (esigma X (\z2. X2)) (esigma X1 (\z2. X3))],
x1 : [g |- tunmap (esigma X (\z2. X2)) (sigma X5 (\z. X7))],
x2 : [g |- tunmap (esigma X1 (\z2. X3)) L]
; split x2 as
case tunmap/sigma:
{ g : unmap-bind,
X : (g |- etp),
X2 : (g, x : eterm |- etp),
X1 : (g |- etp),
X3 : (g, z : eterm |- etp),
X5 : (g |- kind),
X7 : (g, z : con |- kind),
X9 : (g |- kind),
X11 : (g, z : con |- kind),
Dtequiv : (g |- tequiv X X1),
Dtequiv1 :
(g, x : eterm, y : eof x (X[..]) |- tequiv (X2[.., x]) (X3[.., x])),
Dtunmap : (g |- tunmap X X5),
Dtunmap1 :
(g, x : eterm, a : con, y : unmap x a |-
tunmap (X2[.., x]) (X7[.., a])),
Dtunmap2 : (g |- tunmap X1 X9),
Dtunmap3 :
(g, x : eterm, a : con, y : unmap x a |-
tunmap (X3[.., x]) (X11[.., a]))
| x : [g |- tequiv (esigma X (\z2. X2)) (esigma X1 (\z2. X3))],
x1 : [g |- tunmap (esigma X (\z2. X2)) (sigma X5 (\z. X7))],
x2 : [g |- tunmap (esigma X1 (\z2. X3)) (sigma X9 (\z. X11))]
; by unmap-tequiv [_ |- Dtequiv] [_ |- Dtunmap] [_ |- Dtunmap2]
as D1 unboxed;
by unmap-tequiv
b :
block (
a : con,
da : cn-of a _,
x : eterm,
dx : eof x _,
xt : unmap x a) |- Dtequiv1[.., b.3, b.4]]
b :
block (
a : con,
da : cn-of a _,
x : eterm,
dx : eof x _,
xt : unmap x a) |- Dtunmap1[.., b.3, b.1, b.5]]
b :
block (
a : con,
da : cn-of a _,
x : eterm,
dx : eof x _,
xt : unmap x a) |- Dtunmap3[.., b.3, b.1, b.5]]
as D2 strengthened;
solve [g |- kd-equiv/sigma D1 (\a. \da. D2)]