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Apple Push Notifications - apns-expiration
Hi all,
i'd like to discuss the use of the apns-expiration Parameter on Background Push Notifications for ReRegister Expire Wakeup.
My Flexisip Proxy do currently send here a zero value - which means for the apple Push Service No Store - do send immediate - if not possible - forget about it.
This does cause the following problem: - Device does register - next ReRegister should be in about an hour - Device does enter airplane mode (or simple no connection at all) - Flexisip does send Background Push to device to get ReRegister - Device does not get it - Flexisip does Expire the SIP Register (<- So far it is ok) - But from this point the device wont get the Push as soon as it again gets an network connection, so it won't register
Why do you use a zero value for the Background Push ? If the expiration would be +1 Day or something like this, then the Background Push would get stored, and as soon as the device comes up again it would get delivered. The app gets the wake up - and will Reregister.