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TypeError: encode_tuples() takes from 4 to 8 positional arguments but 9 were given
Getting this error while trying to run the command python3 tangent_cft_front_end.py -ds "/NTCIR12_MathIR_WikiCorpus_v2.1.0/MathTagArticles" -cid 1 -em slt_encoder.tsv --mp slt_model --rf slt_ret.tsv --qd "/TestQueries" --ri 1
def for encode_tuples
def encode_tuples(self, node_map, node_id, math_tuples, embedding_type=TupleTokenizationMode.Both_Separated,
ignore_full_relative_path=True, tokenize_all=False, tokenize_number=True):
Takes the encoder map (which can be empty) and the last node id and enumerates the tuple tokens to converts the
tuples to words (with n-gram as each tokenized tuple element) to make the formulas ready to be fed to fasttext
:param node_map: dictionary of tokens and their id
:param node_id: the last node id
:param math_tuples: list of formula tuples (which are extracted by Tangent-S) to be encoded
:param embedding_type: one of the four possible tokenization model
:param ignore_full_relative_path: determines to ignore the full relative path or not (default True)
:param tokenize_all: determines to tokenize all elements (such as numbers and text) (default False)
:param tokenize_number: determines to tokenize the numbers or not (default True)
self.node_id = node_id
self.__encoder_map_node = node_map
encoded_tuples = []
for math_tuple in math_tuples:
encoded_slt_tuple = ""
slt_elements = self.__get_slt_elements(math_tuple, ignore_full_relative_path=ignore_full_relative_path)
converted_value = self.__convert_node_elements(slt_elements[0], embedding_type,
encoded_slt_tuple = encoded_slt_tuple + converted_value
converted_value = self.__convert_node_elements(slt_elements[1], embedding_type,
encoded_slt_tuple = encoded_slt_tuple + converted_value
converted_value = self.__convert_path_elements(slt_elements[2])
encoded_slt_tuple = encoded_slt_tuple + converted_value
"Encode the full relative path"
if not ignore_full_relative_path:
converted_value = self.__convert_path_elements(slt_elements[3])
encoded_slt_tuple = encoded_slt_tuple + converted_value
temp_update_list = self.update_list
self.update_list = {}
return encoded_tuples, temp_update_list, self.node_id
where encode_tuples is being called
encoded_tuples, update_map_node, update_map_edge, node_id, edge_id = \
TupleEncoder.encode_tuples(self.encoder_map_node, self.encoder_map_edge, self.node_id, self.edge_id,
list_of_tuples, embedding_type, ignore_full_relative_path, tokenize_all,