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Understanding the Nodes
I am trying to understand what each node in Groot does. I couldn't find information about some of them in the documentation. For example I do not understand what "BlackboardCheckString", "BlackboardCheckDouble" or "BlackboardCheckInt" do. Could someone explain this to me or show me the website with info about this?
#include "behaviortree_cpp_v3/decorator_node.h"
namespace BT { /**
- This node excute its child only if the value of a given input port
- is equal to the expected one.
- If this precondition is met, this node will return the same status of the
- child, otherwise it will return the value specified in "return_on_mismatch".
- Example:
- <BlackboardCheckInt value_A="{the_answer}"
return_on_mismatch="FAILURE" />
*/ template <typename T> class BlackboardPreconditionNode : public DecoratorNode { public: BlackboardPreconditionNode(const std::string& name, const NodeConfiguration& config) : DecoratorNode(name, config) { if( std::is_same<T,int>::value) setRegistrationID("BlackboardCheckInt"); else if( std::is_same<T,double>::value) setRegistrationID("BlackboardCheckDouble"); else if( std::is_same<T,std::string>::value) setRegistrationID("BlackboardCheckString"); }
virtual ~BlackboardPreconditionNode() override = default;
static PortsList providedPorts()
return {InputPort("value_A"),
InputPort<NodeStatus>("return_on_mismatch") };
private: virtual BT::NodeStatus tick() override; };
template<typename T> inline NodeStatus BlackboardPreconditionNode<T>::tick() { T value_A; T value_B; NodeStatus default_return_status = NodeStatus::FAILURE;
if( getInput("value_A", value_A) &&
getInput("value_B", value_B) &&
value_B == value_A )
return child_node_->executeTick();
if( child()->status() == NodeStatus::RUNNING )
getInput("return_on_mismatch", default_return_status);
return default_return_status;
} // end namespace