MinkExtension copied to clipboard
not able to run feature in saucelab account.
I am trying to run feature file using above YAML file as config and below is my comopser.json.
"require": {
"behat/mink-extension": "2.0.1",
"behat/mink-selenium2-driver": "1.2.0",
"behat/mink-browserkit-driver": "1.2.0",
"behat/mink-goutte-driver": " 1.1.0",
"drupal/drupal-extension": "*",
"sauce/sausage": "=v0.5",
"sauce/connect": "3.0"
"config": {
"bin-dir": "bin/"
command used : bin\behat.bat -c=behat.yml features\rml\registration\ -s qa But I could not see any execution in sauce lab account. is anything wrong in YAML ?
The YAML configuration looks good to me.
what could be issue then ? I am not using sauce-connect. I am trying this behat 3 and mink extension 2.0 because I was unable to use max-duration capability with behat 2.5 and mink extension 1.1
@stof @nirbhaypatil SauceLabs do not support https://github.com/Behat/MinkExtension/blob/master/src/Behat/MinkExtension/ServiceContainer/Driver/SauceLabsFactory.php#L68-L71 If i delete option it works
Or just add to the behat.yml
foo: bar
Worked for me too.
Investigated a little bit what actually happens and printed out what URL is used for the webDriver. As you can see the first instance is the default URL. Then when the scenarios are starting the correct URL is used. But with the first call (i follow) which really executes a request by SauceLabs the webDriver is instantiated with HTTP://. When adding the custom-data to the configuration the webDriver is instantiated correctly.
$ vendor/bin/behat -p sauce
string(28) "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"
string(81) "username:[email protected]/wd/hub"
Feature: Product Overview Page
Scenario: open category
Given I go to "/en/home"
│ string(96) "HTTP://username:[email protected]/wd/hub/session"
When I follow "plus content"
Link with id|title|alt|text "plus content" not found.
Then I should be on "/en/new"
And the ".breadcrumb" element should contain "New"