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A swift implementation of Facebooks shimmer effect.


A swift implementation of Facebooks shimmer effect.


This project is no longer under active development. It's stable and should still be good to use for a number of years. I'm moving my efforts into SwiftUI.

✅ Requirements

  • Swift 5.1+
  • iOS 9.0+

👨‍💻 Installation


Download the .zip from this repo and drag the Shimmer folder into your project.


Add github "BeauNouvelle/ShimmerSwift" to your Cartfile.


Add pod 'ShimmerSwift' to your Podfile.


In Xcode 11 you can add packages by going to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency. Copy in this repos URL and go from there.

👩‍🍳 Useage

Shimmer is super easy to get started with.

Simply create a ShimmeringView or ShimmeringLayer and add your content.

// Setup ShimmeringView
let shimmerView = ShimmeringView(frame: self.view.bounds)

// Setup the view you want shimmered
let label = UILabel(frame: shimmerView.bounds)
label.text = "This is my shimmering text"

// Add the view you want shimmered to the `shimmerView`
shimmerView.contentView = label

// Start shimmering
shimmerView.isShimmering = true

// To stop shimmering.
shimmerView.isShimmering = false

👩‍🎨 Customization

All customizable properties are well documented in code, and are reproduced below.


The content view to be shimmered

contentView: UIView


Set to true to start shimmer animation, and false to stop. Detaults to false.

isShimmering: Bool


The speed of the shimmer animation in points per second. The higher the number, the faster the animation.

Defaults to 230.

shimmerSpeed: CGFloat


The highlight length of the shimmer. Range of [0,1], defaults to 1.0.

shimmerHighlightLength: CGFloat


The direction of the shimmer animation. Defaults to .right, which will run the animation from left to right.

shimmerDirection: Shimmer.Direction


The time interval between shimmers in seconds. Defaults to 0.4.

shimmerPauseDuration: CFTimeInterval


The opacity of the content during a shimmer. Defaults to 0.5.

shimmerAnimationOpacity: CGFloat


The opacity of the content when not shimmering. Defaults to 1.0.

shimmerOpacity: CGFloat


The duration of the fade used when the shimmer begins. Defaults to 0.1.

shimmerBeginFadeDuration: CFTimeInterval


The duration of the fade used when the shimmer ends. Defaults to 0.3.

shimmerEndFadeDuration: CFTimeInterval