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CustomMenu copied to clipboard

Build your own customized Windows desktop menu. Unlimited submenus with unlimited menu items.


NOW with system-wide [customizable] hotkey activation to allow you to display your custom menu without accessing your desktop! For information on how to activate the hotkey functionality, see the release notes for version 1.0.6 here:

Tip of the Day: the easiest way to get started with CustomMenu is to select all the shortcuts on your desktop and simply drag and drop them onto your empty menu tree (left panel) in the config window. CustomMenu will create a menu item for each shortcut complete with the correct icon, starting directory and any parameters. That gets your custom menu up and running instantly with minimal effort. At a later date, if you wish, you can take your time re-arranging them and putting them into suitable submenus.


Build your own customized Windows desktop menu. Unlimited submenus with unlimited menu items.

All your favorite applications, folders, Windows settings and Windows applets at your fingertips and easily accessible just by right-clicking on your desktop.

A great alternative to the nightmarish clutter of your Windows Start Menu or even your current Windows desktop context menu.

Great for PC Support technicians! Configure and run from a USB stick containing all your favorite tools.

Many, many exciting features. And it's all free. (see the Wiki for a quick preview).

See the Wiki overview (and screenshots) at

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