Results 24 issues of Bastiaan

Hi, does this have Linux client support? I need to host a USB device on a Hyper-V host and use this USB divice in a Ubuntu guest VM.

Hello, I wish to track mail sending using `Illuminate\Mail\Mailable`. I do get an entry for the job in the `job_statuses` table, but the status remains `queued` while the job is...

### Actual behaviour You open an notification on your phone You get to the list of notifications When you press back in the UI you get to the default UI...


I've created this issue because of [this]( forum post. Currently you can only fetch data ranges from the persistence service. The returned data points are linear to whats stored in...


If we added the logs to Rest API we can integrate them on various places like custom widgets and Habpanel without having to build bash/PHP scripts. We could add /logs...


## Expected Behavior Stable binding. ## Current Behavior Binding looses connection after a few days. The bridge goes offline with a ``Bad credentials`` error. The username and password are just...


Hello, We have blinds which we can horizontally rotate with our remote. The remote has a rotation knob. Does this library support this? Remote: Sitio 5 Variation RTS pure II...

Hi, I have one class where I use httpful as an HTTP client to get XML data. Because of different credentials I need to have two sessions so I load...

Hi, I have setup telegraf, and according to it's logs and tests its successfully uploading the data to Grafana. `2019-02-08T12:00:20Z D! [outputs.influxdb] wrote batch of 21 metrics in 5.9918ms` When...

Tijdens het oplossen van #125 liep ik tegen het probleem aan dat ik build fouten kreeg op `LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG`. Sinds de [november 5 release van ESPEasy]( is er een global variable...