bash-it copied to clipboard
[Bug]: bash-it preview is not working
Expected behavior
The themes should be displayed!
Current behavior
This is the output following the "bash-it preview" command:
Previewing Bash-it Themes
[kgw@garuda2 ~]$ _bash-it-flash-term "${#BASH_IT_THEME}" "${BASH_IT_THEME}" [kgw@garuda2 ~]$ exit
Possible solution
No response
No response
Steps to reproduce
enter "bash-it preview" into the terminal.
Bash-it version
Version type: stable Current tag: v3.0.3
List of enabled plugins, themes and aliases
bobby, general
Bash version
GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Operating system and version
Kernel: 5.15.93-1-MANJARO x86_64
bash-it doctor output
# How to get: bash-it doctor
```DEBUG: core: main: Loading libraries(except appearance)...
DEBUG: lib: colors: Loading library file...
DEBUG: lib: command_duration: Loading library file...
DEBUG: lib: helpers: Loading library file...
DEBUG: lib: history: Loading library file...
DEBUG: lib: log: Loading library file...
DEBUG: lib: preexec: Loading library file...
DEBUG: lib: preview: Loading library file...
DEBUG: lib: search: Loading library file...
DEBUG: lib: utilities: Loading library file...
DEBUG: core: reloader: Loading all enabled components...
DEBUG: aliases: bash-it: Loading component...
DEBUG: aliases: bash-it: Loaded.
DEBUG: aliases: fuck: Loading component...
DEBUG: aliases: fuck: Loaded.
DEBUG: aliases: general: Loading component...
bash: pi#: command not found
DEBUG: aliases: general: Command 'gshuf' does not exist
DEBUG: aliases: general: Loaded.
DEBUG: aliases: git: Loading component...
DEBUG: aliases: git: Loaded.
DEBUG: aliases: systemd: Loading component...
DEBUG: aliases: systemd: Loaded.
WARN: core: reloader: Using legacy enabling for aliases, please update your bash-it version and migrate
ERROR: core: reloader: Unable to locate /home/kgw/.bash_it/aliases/enabled/*.bash
WARN: core: reloader: Using legacy enabling for plugins, please update your bash-it version and migrate
ERROR: core: reloader: Unable to locate /home/kgw/.bash_it/plugins/enabled/*.bash
WARN: core: reloader: Using legacy enabling for completion, please update your bash-it version and migrate
ERROR: core: reloader: Unable to locate /home/kgw/.bash_it/completion/enabled/*.bash
DEBUG: core: main: Loading theme 'bobby'.
DEBUG: core: main: Loading custom aliases, completion, plugins...
DEBUG: core: main: Loading general custom files...
DEBUG: custom: example: Loading custom file...
DEBUG: core: main: Command 'gloobus-preview' does not exist
### Your ~/.bashrc
# How to get: cat ~/.bashrc
If not running interactively, don't do anything case $- in i) ;; *) return;; esac
Path to the bash it configuration
export BASH_IT="/home/kgw/.bash_it"
Lock and Load a custom theme file.
Leave empty to disable theming.
location /.bash_it/themes/
export BASH_IT_THEME='bobby'
Some themes can show whether sudo
has a current token or not.
to true
to check every prompt:
(Advanced): Change this to the name of your remote repo if you
cloned bash-it with a remote other than origin such as bash-it
export BASH_IT_REMOTE='bash-it'
(Advanced): Change this to the name of the main development branch if
you renamed it or if it was changed for some reason
Your place for hosting Git repos. I use this for private repos.
export GIT_HOSTING='[email protected]'
Don't check mail when opening terminal.
Change this to your console based IRC client of choice.
export IRC_CLIENT='irssi'
Set this to the command you use for todo.txt-cli
export TODO="t"
Set this to the location of your work or project folders
Set this to false to turn off version control status checking within the prompt for all themes
export SCM_CHECK=true
Set to actual location of gitstatus directory if installed
#export SCM_GIT_GITSTATUS_DIR="$HOME/gitstatus"
per default gitstatus uses 2 times as many threads as CPU cores, you can change this here if you must
Set Xterm/screen/Tmux title with only a short hostname.
Uncomment this (or set SHORT_HOSTNAME to something else),
Will otherwise fall back on $HOSTNAME.
#export SHORT_HOSTNAME=$(hostname -s)
Set Xterm/screen/Tmux title with only a short username.
Uncomment this (or set SHORT_USER to something else),
Will otherwise fall back on $USER.
#export SHORT_USER=${USER:0:8}
If your theme use command duration, uncomment this to
enable display of last command duration.
You can choose the minimum time in seconds before
command duration is displayed.
Set Xterm/screen/Tmux title with shortened command and directory.
Uncomment this to set.
#export SHORT_TERM_LINE=true
Set vcprompt executable path for scm advance info in prompt (demula theme)
#export VCPROMPT_EXECUTABLE=~/.vcprompt/bin/vcprompt
(Advanced): Uncomment this to make Bash-it reload itself automatically
after enabling or disabling aliases, plugins, and completions.
Uncomment this to make Bash-it create alias reload.
Load Bash It
source "$BASH_IT"/
2023-02-19 10:40:06 ⌚ garuda2 in ~ ○ →
No response
Greetings! A quick Q:
Q: What are the contents of _bash-it-flash-term
Is it an alias, or a script?
If its a script, try sourcing it ala source _bash-it-flash-term ...
and see if it works better?
I'm having the same issue. Just created a new/fresh test user. I don't have a flash-term dir/file. However I see the function in ~/.bash_it/lib/search.bash
function _bash-it-flash-term() {
local -i len="${1:-0}" # redundant
local term="${2:-}"
# as currently implemented, `$match` has already been printed to screen the first time
local delay=0.2
local color
[[ "${#term}" -gt 0 ]] && len="${#term}"
for color in "${echo_black-}" "${echo_bold_blue-}" "${echo_bold_yellow-}" "${echo_bold_red-}" "${echo_bold_green-}" "${echo_normal-}"; do
sleep "${delay}"
_bash-it-rewind "${len}"
printf '%b' "${color}${term}"
And when I run preview, I get the same output as OP.
2024-03-01 22:34:43 ⌚ matt-desktop in ~
○ → bash_it preview
Previewing Bash-it Themes
[test@matt-desktop ~]$ _bash-it-flash-term "${#BASH_IT_THEME}" "${BASH_IT_THEME}"
[test@matt-desktop ~]$ exit
2024-03-01 22:34:46 ⌚ matt-desktop in ~
○ →
If I run the command directly with the theme name, the theme name pops up and changes colors a bit, and that's it.
2024-03-01 22:36:01 ⌚ matt-desktop in ~
○ → _bash-it-flash-term dulcie dulcie
2024-03-01 22:36:06 ⌚ matt-desktop in ~
○ →