flutter_cached_network_image copied to clipboard
`StateError: Bad state: Cannot clone a disposed image` after app changes lifecycle
🔙 Regression
Hi, I have received 300 events in 14 days in Sentry that some users are getting an error related with images and I think this package may have to do with it (as I do not manipulate images directly, nor another package that I have... Also the issue may be related to #513.).
I am getting these two errors after app lifecycles changes.
StateError: Bad state: Cannot clone a disposed image.
The clone() method of a previously-disposed Image was called. Once an Image object has been disposed, it can no longer be used to create handles, as the underlying data may have been released.
File "painting.dart", line 1815, in Image.clone
File "image_stream.dart", line 50, in ImageInfo.clone
File "image_stream.dart", line 645, in ImageStreamCompleter.setImage
File "zone.dart", line 1434, in _rootRunUnary
String: Bad state: Cannot clone a disposed image.
The clone() method of a previously-disposed Image was called. Once an Image object has been disposed, it can no longer be used to create handles, as the underlying data may have been released.
File "painting.dart", line 1815, in Image.clone
File "image_stream.dart", line 50, in ImageInfo.clone
File "image_stream.dart", line 645, in ImageStreamCompleter.setImage
File "zone.dart", line 1434, in _rootRunUnary
Reproduction steps
I have the following breadcrumbs (may be incomplete, but will provide more info as I get):
- Move the app to the background
- Resume the app
flutter doctor -v
flutter doctor -v
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Plugin version: cached_network_image: ^3.2.1
- [X] :iphone: iOS
- [ ] :robot: Android
Same here, except I don't even need to pop a page.
The exception come from: sky_engine->ui->painting.dart From the method:
if (_disposed) {
throw StateError(
'Cannot clone a disposed image.\n'
'The clone() method of a previously-disposed Image was called. Once an '
'Image object has been disposed, it can no longer be used to create '
'handles, as the underlying data may have been released.'
return Image._(_image);
It happens only in iOS to me, I'll update the issue.
Any update on this? I can see it on both android and iOS.
Hi I have this issue but I don't have cached_network_image
as a dependency direct nor transitive so it might be possible its not from this package. But I do have a package that has report similar issue see https://github.com/fluttercommunity/flutter_blurhash/pull/47
Edit: Found this https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/110129. Issue is fixed but not yet in stable. Fix is in master
Same here, I'm using bugsnag and it happens on both iOS and android. I'm also having BlurHash used for certain images preload.
Im pretty sure this is already fixed in the latest stable version of Flutter. Could you reproduce it with flutter 3.7.4?
I got it in production using Flutter 3.7.7
My app uses the (currently) latest Flutter 3.10.6, and I'm also experiencing this error after I go to home and then go back to the app. iPhone 12 mini, iOS 16.
My app uses the (currently) latest Flutter 3.10.6, and I'm also experiencing this error after I go to home and then go back to the app. iPhone 12 mini, iOS 16.
@bartekpacia Did you by any chance find a solution?
Nope, there's no solution. This package has a bug that has to be fixed.
Same problem here. Have been using this library for a long time without problems but now I've received in sentry a lot of events for this bug. EDIT: I'm using cached_network_image & blurhash.
Same problem here. Have been using this library for a long time without problems but now I've received in sentry a lot of events for this bug. EDIT: I'm using cached_network_image & blurhash.
Use BlurHashImage
instead of. It worked for me
BlurHash(hash: userProfile.mainPhotoBlurhash)
Image( image: BlurHashImage(userProfile.mainPhotoBlurhash), fit: BoxFit.cover, )
Hello I have the same problem with flutter 3.16.8, it happened since the last update of the package with octo set and the extensions