flutter_cached_network_image copied to clipboard
CacheManager: Connection closed before full header was received
🐛 Bug Report
CacheManager: Failed to download file from https://harbor.alpha.stylewe.com/image_cache/resize/335x445/image/catalog/2015-04-01/new pic/15-4-1-15-3.JPG with error: Connection closed before full header was received
Expected behavior
Reproduction steps
Version: 1.x
- [ ] :iphone: iOS
- [ ] :robot: Android
but brower can open it , [pic url](https://harbor.alpha.stylewe.com/image_cache/resize/335x445/image/catalog/2015-04-01/new pic/15-4-1-15-3.JPG)
any solutions for this issue ?
this is really issue. when I get over 30 images, some images are stuck and not represent. Is this issue is flutter's http issue or cache library's issue?
same issue here, the fix to change request from https to HTTP is not helping
Same here, pls fix it :)
I think it might be a problem that the server closes the connections when to many images are downloaded at the same time. So I guess it could be solved with queuing as proposed in #453
@renefloor This issue is still occurring on Flutter 1.22.1, with CachedNetworkImage
Which version of flutter_cache_manager is in your pubspec.lock?
dependency: transitive
name: flutter_cache_manager
url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
source: hosted
version: "2.0.0"
Are you requesting a lot of images? I guess there can be more reasons why a connection is dropped. Can you give me a small reproducible example?
Apparently it is not really related to doing to many requests, as it is reproduced with doing just 1 request as well. I'll reopen this issue, but you'll should keep track (and thumbs up) this issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41573
I was facing the same issue, when I was using ListView, you can fix this by using ScrollAwareImageProvider with CachedNetworkImageProvider passed to it as imageProvider.
Edit: This solution significantly reduces the events encountered for the issue, but do not consider this as a valid solution for the problem, it still needs to be fixed at the platform/package end.
@shbmbhrdwj Could you provide an example ?
@shbmbhrdwj example please :)
@erf @SamKlim It's pretty straitforward:
You can use it like this:
image: ScrollAwareImageProvider(
context: _disposableBuildContext,
imageProvider: CachedNetworkImageProvider(
@shbmbhrdwj how would you add a Placeholder with that example and where do you get _disposableBuildContext
from ?
This week I've been investigating workarounds for the upstream Flutter issue in CachedNetworkImage. The approach I have taken is to implement my own CacheManager and FileService so I can add some simple retry logic. If the request fails with a ClientException, then we wait for 100ms or so, then retry the request up to X times.
Here is the FileService we are using right now - it could easily be extended to retry on response error codes (501, etc) but we are not concerned with that for our purposes.
/// A FileService for Flutter Cache Manager that implements
/// simple retry logic in the event that fetching fails due
/// to client errors, which typically occur with poor internet
/// connections.
/// Note that this service does not retry on certain HTTP error
/// codes, (400, 500, etc), but this would be trivial to extend.
class CaFileService extends FileService {
/// Override the default HTTP client
http.Client? httpClient,
this.maxAttempts = 2,
}) : _httpClient = httpClient ?? http.Client();
/// The HTTP client to use. A Client will be automatically
/// created if not set.
final http.Client _httpClient;
/// The maximum number of attempts before giving up
/// on fetching the resource.
final int maxAttempts;
Future<FileServiceResponse> get(
String url, {
Map<String, String>? headers,
/// The current attempt
int attemptNumber = 1,
}) async {
final req = http.Request('GET', Uri.parse(url));
if (headers != null) {
try {
final httpResponse = await _httpClient.send(req);
return HttpGetResponse(httpResponse);
} catch (err) {
if (attemptNumber < maxAttempts) {
// We use an increasing delay with each attempt.
final delay = attemptNumber * 100;
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delay));
// retry the fetch
return get(url, headers: headers, attemptNumber: attemptNumber + 1);
} else {
// Reached the maximum number of retries, so giving up.
You can use this by passing a custom CacheManager to CachedNetworkImage.
Same issue, pls fix it :)
Same issue here, for a lot of images in the same view - they are all downloading in the same time
the same issue, I'm using cache manager, with errorBuilder some of the images on the page are rendered with the errorBuilder
i used this code https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/25107#issuecomment-456667247 and added a timeout duration ,i think it fixed my problem
import 'dart:io';
class MyHttpOverrides extends HttpOverrides { @override HttpClient createHttpClient(SecurityContext? context) { return super.createHttpClient(context) ..maxConnectionsPerHost = 300 ..connectionTimeout = const Duration(minutes: 6) ..idleTimeout = const Duration(minutes: 6); } }
void main() { HttpOverrides.global = MyHttpOverrides(); runApp(MyApp()); }
i have this problem yet