flutter_cache_manager copied to clipboard
Cancelling file(Or stop downloading option)
🚀 Feature Requests
Describe the feature
Like if i am storing video file in cache and in between i want to cancel the ongoing download.
I tried doing this with remove method but in background downloading was still going no matter what i do ,file gets downloaded fully in background..
If there is solution available already then pls tell me how to do!!!!
Platforms affected (mark all that apply)
- [x] :iphone: iOS
- [x] :robot: Android
Such a feature is not implemented yet.
@shyamkawale I have the exact same need. I have a list of videos and if the user browses the list quickly, I end up with 10s of started downloads and no way to stop the past ones @renefloor are we planning on implementing this feature? it would be very beneficial for performance.
The http library is currently implementing such a feature and when they do it won't be difficult to use it in this package. See https://github.com/dart-lang/http/issues/424
Isn't it possible to stop download process if you use IOStreamedResponse
from 'package:http/io_client.dart'
instead of ordinary StreamedResponse
. In case, we need to cancel file download, we can simply make final socket = await _response.detachSocket()
and socket.destroy()
/// Basic implementation of a [FileServiceResponse] for http requests.
class HttpGetResponse implements FileServiceResponse {
final DateTime _receivedTime = clock.now();
final http.StreamedResponse _response;
int get statusCode => _response.statusCode;
bool _hasHeader(String name) {
return _response.headers.containsKey(name);
String _header(String name) {
return _response.headers[name];
Stream<List<int>> get content => _response.stream;
int get contentLength => _response.contentLength;
DateTime get validTill {
// Without a cache-control header we keep the file for a week
var ageDuration = const Duration(days: 7);
if (_hasHeader(HttpHeaders.cacheControlHeader)) {
final controlSettings =
for (final setting in controlSettings) {
final sanitizedSetting = setting.trim().toLowerCase();
if (sanitizedSetting == 'no-cache') {
ageDuration = const Duration();
if (sanitizedSetting.startsWith('max-age=')) {
var validSeconds = int.tryParse(sanitizedSetting.split('=')[1]) ?? 0;
if (validSeconds > 0) {
ageDuration = Duration(seconds: validSeconds);
return _receivedTime.add(ageDuration);
String get eTag => _hasHeader(HttpHeaders.etagHeader)
? _header(HttpHeaders.etagHeader)
: null;
String get fileExtension {
var fileExtension = '';
if (_hasHeader(HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader)) {
var contentType =
fileExtension = contentType.fileExtension ?? '';
return fileExtension;
Hi @renefloor,
is this issue on the list, if yes, when will it be fixed?
@sahhill this is definitely still on the list. I'm currently in a busy period personally, so don't expect new features soon. After the summer I'll have more time for open source work again.
how's the progress?