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Here is the top 100 PHP functions: it is the list of the most often used PHP native functions. If you are a PHP developer, you must know the Top 100 PHP Functions deeply.

Top PHP Functions

If you are a PHP developer, you must know the Top 100 PHP Functions deeply.

The 100 PHP functions that you have to know (2022)

Here is the top 100 PHP functions: it is the list of the most often used PHP native functions.

Why this repository? As a lead developer in the team, I am teaching the functions to my team members deeply.

Where is the Data?

The functions are named, and ranked from 1 to 100. The other 4500 functions are not ranked here.

The frequency column represents how often this function is used across PHP code repositories: the reference corpus is a list of 2500 PHP Open Source projects (top 1000 composer, github/gitlab/gitee public repo, downloaded archives…).

PHP Functions

Rank Function Frequency Average
1 file_exists 62.80% 13
2 str_replace 58.20% 33
3 implode 57.31% 35
4 count 56.42% 61
5 dirname 56.38% 13
6 substr 55.84% 53
7 sprintf 55.26% 80
8 strpos 55.07% 24
9 array_merge 54.80% 35
10 in_array 51.39% 33
11 explode 51.35% 26
12 strlen 50.97% 35
13 is_array 50.73% 46
14 array_key_exists 49.54% 28
15 array_keys 49.27% 16
16 preg_match 46.52% 28
17 file_get_contents 46.48% 8
18 is_file 44.43% 6
19 array_values 42.81% 7
20 file_put_contents 42.46% 4
21 trim 41.57% 25
22 method_exists 41.49% 8
23 defined 40.87% 19
24 is_string 40.76% 20
25 function_exists 40.29% 20
26 array_map 39.33% 12
27 preg_replace 39.02% 17
28 strtolower 38.94% 19
29 is_dir 38.67% 6
30 strtr 38.01% 5
31 call_user_func 37.01% 4
32 strrpos 36.70% 4
33 call_user_func_array 36.43% 3
34 array_flip 35.89% 2
35 fwrite 35.89% 4
36 rtrim 35.69% 6
37 filter_var 35.65% 2
38 ini_get 35.15% 5
39 json_decode 34.76% 7
40 array_filter 34.76% 7
41 realpath 34.15% 4
42 header 34.07% 7
43 class_exists 34.03% 12
44 json_encode 33.49% 9
45 trigger_error 32.95% 5
46 get_class 32.95% 13
47 spl_autoload_register 32.10% 1
48 unlink 30.43% 5
49 headers_sent 29.78% 1
50 is_object 29.31% 11
51 mkdir 29.20% 2
52 array_shift 28.69% 6
53 spl_autoload_unregister 28.54% 1
54 apcu_fetch 28.23% 0
55 array_pop 28.11% 5
56 stream_resolve_include_path 27.84% 0
57 is_int 27.65% 5
58 apcu_add 27.57% 0
59 getcwd 27.49% 1
60 strtoupper 27.42% 6
61 is_numeric 26.95% 9
62 array_unique 26.91% 4
63 ltrim 26.60% 4
64 basename 26.57% 4
65 str_repeat 26.26% 7
66 fopen 25.91% 6
67 array_slice 24.94% 3
68 getenv 24.94% 4
69 var_export 24.71% 3
70 preg_match_all 24.67% 3
71 is_callable 24.48% 4
72 reset 24.44% 4
73 preg_split 24.40% 3
74 fclose 24.36% 5
75 array_unshift 24.25% 3
76 gettype 24.21% 4
77 end 23.90% 3
78 array_search 23.82% 3
79 max 23.78% 5
80 extension_loaded 23.59% 3
81 is_bool 23.55% 2
82 version_compare 22.82% 3
83 preg_quote 22.78% 3
84 time 22.70% 9
85 ucfirst 22.66% 4
86 ksort 22.66% 2
87 preg_replace_callback 22.54% 3
88 md5 22.51% 4
89 array_reverse 22.47% 2
90 array_diff 22.12% 2
91 is_readable 22.00% 1
92 microtime 21.96% 4
93 copy 21.81% 1
94 parse_url 21.81% 2
95 is_null 21.50% 17
96 base64_encode 21.42% 3
97 current 21.38% 2
98 is_resource 21.08% 3
99 serialize 20.77% 4
100 key 20.57% 2
