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Getting standard output in airflow scheduler
Hi Michael,
Would like to ask that currently, is there anyway to get the standard output printed on airflow scheduler? Currently, I am able to get the log files via the Airflow REST API endpoint "/dags/{dag_id}/dagRuns/{dag_run_id}/taskInstances/{task_id}/logs/{task_try_number}". You may also refer to The log files will look something familiar like below:
*** Reading local file: /home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/logs/kokleong_0_compute_prs/5_compute_prs/2022-01-18T09:01:09.184198+00:00/1.log
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,252] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: kokleong_0_compute_prs.5_compute_prs 2022-01-18T09:01:09.184198+00:00 [queued]>
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,259] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: kokleong_0_compute_prs.5_compute_prs 2022-01-18T09:01:09.184198+00:00 [queued]>
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,259] {} INFO -
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,259] {} INFO - Starting attempt 1 of 1
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,259] {} INFO -
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,270] {} INFO - Executing <Task(CWLStepOperator): 5_compute_prs> on 2022-01-18T09:01:09.184198+00:00
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,273] {} INFO - Started process 25549 to run task
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,276] {} INFO - Running: ['airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'kokleong_0_compute_prs', '5_compute_prs', '2022-01-18T09:01:09.184198+00:00', '--job-id', '35', '--pool', 'default_pool', '--raw', '--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmp4kzmqsnr', '--error-file', '/tmp/tmpp3_vy6iu']
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,277] {} INFO - Job 35: Subtask 5_compute_prs
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,320] {} INFO - Running <TaskInstance: kokleong_0_compute_prs.5_compute_prs 2022-01-18T09:01:09.184198+00:00 [running]> on host
[2022-01-18 17:01:49,373] {} INFO - Exporting the following env vars:
[2022-01-18 17:01:50,774] {} INFO - Resolved '/home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/cwl_tmp_folder/kokleong_0_compute_prs_manual__2022-01-18T09_01_09.184198_00_00_d4_how0n/5_compute_prs/5_compute_prs_step_workflow.cwl' to 'file:///home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/cwl_tmp_folder/kokleong_0_compute_prs_manual__2022-01-18T09_01_09.184198_00_00_d4_how0n/5_compute_prs/5_compute_prs_step_workflow.cwl'
[2022-01-18 17:01:52,804] {} INFO - [workflow ] start
[2022-01-18 17:01:52,805] {} INFO - [workflow ] starting step 5_compute_prs
[2022-01-18 17:01:52,805] {} INFO - [step 5_compute_prs] start
[2022-01-18 17:01:52,813] {} INFO - [job 5_compute_prs] /home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/cwl_tmp_folder/kokleong_0_compute_prs_manual__2022-01-18T09_01_09.184198_00_00_d4_how0n/5_compute_prs/5_compute_prs_step_cache/mcxm1hz9$ sh \ > /home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/cwl_tmp_folder/kokleong_0_compute_prs_manual__2022-01-18T09_01_09.184198_00_00_d4_how0n/5_compute_prs/5_compute_prs_step_cache/mcxm1hz9/5_compute_prs_stdout.log 2> /home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/cwl_tmp_folder/kokleong_0_compute_prs_manual__2022-01-18T09_01_09.184198_00_00_d4_how0n/5_compute_prs/5_compute_prs_step_cache/mcxm1hz9/5_compute_prs_stderr.log
[2022-01-18 17:01:53,000] {} INFO - [job 5_compute_prs] completed success
[2022-01-18 17:01:53,001] {} INFO - [step 5_compute_prs] completed success
[2022-01-18 17:01:53,001] {} INFO - [workflow ] completed success
[2022-01-18 17:01:53,040] {} INFO - Marking task as SUCCESS. dag_id=kokleong_0_compute_prs, task_id=5_compute_prs, execution_date=20220118T090109, start_date=20220118T090149, end_date=20220118T090153
[2022-01-18 17:01:53,067] {} INFO - Task exited with return code 0
[2022-01-18 17:01:53,147] {} INFO - 1 downstream tasks scheduled from follow-on schedule check
I was thinking it would be great if I am also able to get the standard output that is printed on the airflow scheduler, which will look something like below:
[2022-01-18 15:55:27,593] {} INFO - QueuedLocalWorker running ['airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'kokleong_0_compute_prs', '5_compute_prs', '2022-01-18T07:54:20.748908+00:00', '--local', '--pool', 'default_pool', '--subdir', '/home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/dags/']
[2022-01-18 15:55:27,611] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/dags/
Running <TaskInstance: kokleong_0_compute_prs.5_compute_prs 2022-01-18T07:54:20.748908+00:00 [queued]> on host
Resolved '/home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/cwl_tmp_folder/kokleong_0_compute_prs_manual__2022-01-18T07_54_20.748908_00_00_cc_wep2a/5_compute_prs/5_compute_prs_step_workflow.cwl' to 'file:///home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/cwl_tmp_folder/kokleong_0_compute_prs_manual__2022-01-18T07_54_20.748908_00_00_cc_wep2a/5_compute_prs/5_compute_prs_step_workflow.cwl'
[workflow ] start
[workflow ] starting step 5_compute_prs
[step 5_compute_prs] start
[job 5_compute_prs] /home/kokleong/projects/cwl-airflow/cwl_tmp_folder/kokleong_0_compute_prs_manual__2022-01-18T07_54_20.748908_00_00_cc_wep2a/5_compute_prs/5_compute_prs_step_cache/785meyr6$ sh \
PLINK v1.90b3.42 64-bit (20 Sep 2016)
(C) 2005-2016 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang GNU General Public License v3
Logging to PGS000192.log.
Options in effect:
--out PGS000192
--score PGS000192.txt.clean.scores 1 2 3 sum
64190 MB RAM detected; reserving 32095 MB for main workspace.
--vcf: PGS000192-temporary.bed + PGS000192-temporary.bim +
PGS000192-temporary.fam written.
9 variants loaded from .bim file.
3202 people (0 males, 0 females, 3202 ambiguous) loaded from .fam.
Ambiguous sex IDs written to PGS000192.nosex .
Using 1 thread (no multithreaded calculations invoked).
Before main variant filters, 3202 founders and 0 nonfounders present.
Calculating allele frequencies... done.
9 variants and 3202 people pass filters and QC.
Note: No phenotypes present.
--score: 9 valid predictors loaded.
--score: Results written to PGS000192.profile .
[job 5_compute_prs] completed success
[step 5_compute_prs] completed success
[workflow ] completed success
Currently is this being supported in cwl-airflow? If no, could you point me to the source code that does this and hopefully I am able to do some tricks and modifications to get the standard output logged into the Airflow log files (which is saved to "1.log") :P
Hi @kokleong9406
Could you please provide more details on what kind of logs you would like to have? It looks like the reason why you want to have the scheduler logs is that there you can see the output from your
script. However, you should be able the see the logs from your
script in the task instance logs after the line CWL LOGS
. Please, let me know if you don't have this line in your task instance logs. Also, could you please provide a version of CWL-Airflow you use? This is the link on the code, that appends cwl related logs (a.k.a from your
script) to the end of task instance logs
Hi @michael-kotliar
Thank you for your reply. I see that I do not have "def append_cwl_log(content)" in nor any of the files. The current version of CWL-Airflow I am using is 1.2.11. Which version do I need to use to have this function?
Btw, I guess I will try out bit by bit to integrate the "append_cwl_log" function into my existing cwl version as well to see how it goes.
Hi @kokleong9406
I think these changes are not in the release on Pypi yet, so you can install it from the latest master
branch commit on GitHub. Let me know if need any help with it.