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Skins on Vanilla not is working!!
Please help skins not working on vanilla!!!
It looks like Agario devs figured out how to block skins. It isn't working on my server as well.
Based on my findings, although the skin doesn't show only for the player using it, it's visible to other players.
In other words, if you name yourself <fox>
, other players will see the fox skin on you. You just can't see the fox skin on yourself.
haha you can change name in-game xD
I noticed this. It was weird.
But that's a dumb way of preventing it.
how to desactive vainilla mode
how to desactive vainilla mode
You can use another client as listed here:
@Barbosik please fix it
@fayizan it cant be fixed
@nuclearc What do you mean?
@nuclearc why it cant be fixed..?
btw you can change skin using 'skin' command, idk about using skin from nickname.....
EDIT: maybe try to replace < skinname > to (skinname) or something else? EDIT: or just use skin by renewing player's node (remove and add that node again)
If others can see it, then it's probably some node updating that's delayed for the player.
@nuclearc can u please tell me the working way
@nuclearc your proposals will not work
I see no easy way of fixing this server-side. Vanilla client doesn't use either name or skin anymore from the server updatepackets when the updated cell is your own cell. Instead it directly uses the name and skin you chose in client. You have no server-side control over your own name or skin anymore. Even when you use console commands to change it, it will only change on every client but your own. So i think you really need to change client for it to work again.
Maybe change server code so you would be playing with other player cells was my first thought (much like you would play with a minion). But that wouldn't work because your own cells are needed on client for calculating mass, position, zoom amount, etc.
It might be possible however to change server code so it uses Spectate mode for playing. In Spectate mode you do have server-side control over name, skin, position and zoom amount. But this method would have some unwanted side effects like mass and stats not working anymore. So this is not really a path i wanna take. And not even sure if it works.
Anybody have any other ideas besides using another client?
Could it be something with packet 0?
Don't think so. Nickname is received correctly in packet 0. But you can only use it to update name and skin on other clients because your own client ignores it completely when sending back an updateNodes packet.
Can you go on discord? So we don't spam here.
ok im on
agario changed something in protocol, i cant spawn anymore in offcial servers :(
Do you have any extensions running?
And lmao, sometimes even can't get the skin, yet it shows you that you have one in the store. And it was a really really big mistake making names client side.
No. I mean my custom client. I've worked on it like 4 months and researched almost all agario protocol, now Moneyclip changed protocol again and its not spawning :(
What does miniclip have to do with your client though? It's yours isn't?
My client is for bots
So it's like an add-on for agar?
no its like agario-client
the issue with skins is the latest client update as of october 2016. Miniclip is basically blocking skins. You can't see your skin but you can see other player's skins and they can see yours. You just won't see your own skin and on the leaderboard your name will show up with the skinname in brackets and your name next to it. It's very annoying and I'm getting a lot of complaints about it. Nothing anyone can do about it.
so actually client gets skin from shop....