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chore(deps): update npm packages

Open renovate[bot] opened this issue 6 months ago • 0 comments

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@nuxthub/core (source) ^0.7.3 -> ^0.7.31 age adoption passing confidence
drizzle-kit (source) ^0.24.0 -> ^0.25.0 age adoption passing confidence
drizzle-orm (source) ^0.33.0 -> ^0.34.1 age adoption passing confidence
nuxt-auth-utils ^0.3.4 -> ^0.4.4 age adoption passing confidence
nuxt-security (source) 2.0.0-rc.9 -> 2.0.0 age adoption passing confidence
wrangler (source) ^3.72.0 -> ^3.80.4 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

nuxt-hub/core (@​nuxthub/core)


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🩹 Fixes
  • cache: Driver not found with file:// (#​322)
🏡 Chore
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🩹 Fixes
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🩹 Fixes
  • cache: Smartly overwrite devStorage to handle pre-rendering (#​320)
📖 Documentation
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🩹 Fixes
  • Update cache storage for pre-rendering phase (#​319)
  • Multipart with remote storage (#​318)
  • Normalize path for windows (#​317)
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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🚀 Enhancements
  • Support cache expiration & improve admin speed (#​313)
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
  • Remove unused ai binding (#​308)
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compare changes

🏡 Chore
  • Update type (17726d8)
  • Add hub empty object to public runtime config (97ec429)
  • Remove unused type (fb68769)
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • Move tsconfig to correct folder (#​307)
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
  • Add npx prefix for nuxthub commands (aa13911)
  • Leverage userProjectToken if available (012f498)
  • Update deps (ef4c6f4)
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🚀 Enhancements
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • Only set env if undefined at first (fd779ee)
🏡 Chore
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🏡 Chore
  • Use middleware instead of plugin (f921892)
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
  • Add noindex for preview env (#​296)
  • Remove trailing slash for prerender routes (#​298)
🩹 Fixes
  • Workaround for process.env and new node compat (f28f549)
📖 Documentation
  • Prerender dynamic pages using modules (#​300)
🏡 Chore
  • Use nitro compatibility flags by default (#​302)
  • Read and ignore nitro wrangler option (#​303)
  • Update deps (6c3ca98)
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • proxy: Read env from request (bd4de45)
📖 Documentation
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
  • Add nuxthub preview command (#​288)
📖 Documentation
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🩹 Fixes
  • Remove nuxthub cli dependency (5d58b09)
📖 Documentation
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • blob: Respect addRandomSuffix with remote access (#​287)
📖 Documentation
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🚀 Enhancements
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • Add browser binding on CF CI (#​281)
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
  • playground: Disable v2 flag (0950478)
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • Don't use global on client-side (#​278)
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🩹 Fixes
  • Use #imports for nitropack imports (#​276)
  • Move from ni to nypm (#​277)
📖 Documentation
  • Update image for remote storage (517fc67)
  • Simplify use cases (01b9274)
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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🚀 Enhancements
📖 Documentation
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
  • Add support for browser rendering (#​271)
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
  • kv: Add support for ttl (#​265)
  • Add support for defining compatibility date & flags (#​264)
🩹 Fixes
  • blob: Handle FileList in useUpload (#​260)
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
  • Support nuxt-csurf with zero-config (#​256)
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🩹 Fixes
  • Correct typo in error message (#​251)
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
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🩹 Fixes
  • blob: Handle Uint8Array format (#​247)
🏡 Chore
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🚀 Enhancements
  • Add support for extra bindings (Hyperdrive) (#​245)
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • Add support for cloudflare:* externals (#​243)
  • Disable the usage of nuxt generate (#​244)
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • cache: Don't force nitro prefix (#​239)
📖 Documentation
❤️ Contributors
drizzle-team/drizzle-orm (drizzle-kit)


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Breaking changes and migrate guide for Turso users

If you are using Turso and libsql, you will need to upgrade your drizzle.config and @libsql/client package.

  1. This version of drizzle-orm will only work with @libsql/[email protected] or higher if you are using the migrate function. For other use cases, you can continue using previous versions(But the suggestion is to upgrade) To install the latest version, use the command:
npm i @​libsql/client@latest
  1. Previously, we had a common drizzle.config for SQLite and Turso users, which allowed a shared strategy for both dialects. Starting with this release, we are introducing the turso dialect in drizzle-kit. We will evolve and improve Turso as a separate dialect with its own migration strategies.


import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "sqlite",
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  out: "./drizzle",
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "database.db",
  breakpoints: true,
  verbose: true,
  strict: true,


import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "turso",
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  out: "./drizzle",
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "database.db",
  breakpoints: true,
  verbose: true,
  strict: true,

If you are using only SQLite, you can use dialect: "sqlite"

LibSQL/Turso and Sqlite migration updates

SQLite "generate" and "push" statements updates

Starting from this release, we will no longer generate comments like this:

      '/*\n SQLite does not support "Changing existing column type" out of the box, we do not generate automatic migration for that, so it has to be done manually'
      + '\n Please refer to:'
      + '\n        '
      + '\n        '
      + "\n\n Due to that we don't generate migration automatically and it has to be done manually"
      + '\n*/'

We will generate a set of statements, and you can decide if it's appropriate to create data-moving statements instead. Here is an example of the SQL file you'll receive now:

PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
--> statement-breakpoint
CREATE TABLE `__new_worker` (
  `id` integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  `name` text NOT NULL,
  `salary` text NOT NULL,
  `job_id` integer,
  FOREIGN KEY (`job_id`) REFERENCES `job`(`id`) ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action
--> statement-breakpoint
INSERT INTO `__new_worker`("id", "name", "salary", "job_id") SELECT "id", "name", "salary", "job_id" FROM `worker`;
--> statement-breakpoint
DROP TABLE `worker`;
--> statement-breakpoint
ALTER TABLE `__new_worker` RENAME TO `worker`;
--> statement-breakpoint
PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;
LibSQL/Turso "generate" and "push" statements updates

Since LibSQL supports more ALTER statements than SQLite, we can generate more statements without recreating your schema and moving all the data, which can be potentially dangerous for production environments.

LibSQL and Turso will now have a separate dialect in the Drizzle config file, meaning that we will evolve Turso and LibSQL independently from SQLite and will aim to support as many features as Turso/LibSQL offer.

With the updated LibSQL migration strategy, you will have the ability to:

  • Change Data Type: Set a new data type for existing columns.
  • Set and Drop Default Values: Add or remove default values for existing columns.
  • Set and Drop NOT NULL: Add or remove the NOT NULL constraint on existing columns.
  • Add References to Existing Columns: Add foreign key references to existing columns

You can find more information in the LibSQL documentation

  • Dropping foreign key will cause table recreation.

This is because LibSQL/Turso does not support dropping this type of foreign key.

CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `id` integer NOT NULL,
  `name` integer,
  `age` integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
  FOREIGN KEY (`name`) REFERENCES `users1`("id") ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action
  • If the table has indexes, altering columns will cause index recreation: Drizzle-Kit will drop the indexes, modify the columns, and then create the indexes.

  • Adding or dropping composite foreign keys is not supported and will cause table recreation.

  • Primary key columns can not be altered and will cause table recreation.

  • Altering columns that are part of foreign key will cause table recreation.

  • You can create a reference on any column type, but if you want to insert values, the referenced column must have a unique index or primary key.
CREATE TABLE parent(a PRIMARY KEY, b UNIQUE, c, d, e, f);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i1 ON parent(c, d);
CREATE INDEX i2 ON parent(e);

CREATE TABLE child1(f, g REFERENCES parent(a));                        -- Ok
CREATE TABLE child2(h, i REFERENCES parent(b));                        -- Ok
CREATE TABLE child3(j, k, FOREIGN KEY(j, k) REFERENCES parent(c, d));  -- Ok
CREATE TABLE child4(l, m REFERENCES parent(e));                        -- Error!
CREATE TABLE child5(n, o REFERENCES parent(f));                        -- Error!
CREATE TABLE child6(p, q, FOREIGN KEY(p, q) REFERENCES parent(b, c));  -- Error!
CREATE TABLE child7(r REFERENCES parent(c));                           -- Error!

NOTE: The foreign key for the table child5 is an error because, although the parent key column has a unique index, the index uses a different collating sequence.

See more:

New casing param in drizzle-orm and drizzle-kit

There are more improvements you can make to your schema definition. The most common way to name your variables in a database and in TypeScript code is usually snake_case in the database and camelCase in the code. For this case, in Drizzle, you can now define a naming strategy in your database to help Drizzle map column keys automatically. Let's take a table from the previous example and make it work with the new casing API in Drizzle

Table can now become:

import { pgTable } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

export const ingredients = pgTable("ingredients", (t) => ({
  id: t.uuid().defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
  name: t.text().notNull(),
  description: t.text(),
  inStock: t.boolean().default(true),

As you can see, inStock doesn't have a database name alias, but by defining the casing configuration at the connection level, all queries will automatically map it to snake_case

const db = await drizzle('node-postgres', { connection: '', casing: 'snake_case' })

For drizzle-kit migrations generation you should also specify casing param in drizzle config, so you can be sure you casing strategy will be applied to drizzle-kit as well

import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "postgresql",
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/db",
  casing: "snake_case",


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New Features

🎉 Support for pglite driver

You can now use pglite with all drizzle-kit commands, including Drizzle Studio!

import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dialect: "postgresql",
  driver: "pglite",
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "local-pg.db",
  verbose: true,
  strict: true,

Bug fixes

  • mysql-kit: fix GENERATED ALWAYS AS ... NOT NULL - #​2824


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Bug fixes

Big thanks to @​L-Mario564 for his PR. It conflicted in most cases with a PR that was merged, but we incorporated some of his logic. Merging it would have caused more problems and taken more time to resolve, so we just took a few things from his PR, like removing "::" mappings in introspect and some array type default handlers

What was fixed
  1. The Drizzle Kit CLI was not working properly for the introspect command.
  2. Added the ability to use column names with special characters for all dialects.
  3. Included PostgreSQL sequences in the introspection process.
  4. Reworked array type introspection and added all test cases.
  5. Fixed all (we hope) default issues in PostgreSQL, where ::<type> was included in the introspected output.
  6. preserve casing option was broken
Tickets that were closed
atinux/nuxt-auth-utils (nuxt-auth-utils)


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🩹 Fixes
  • Fetch hook is called even is user is not set (#​209)
❤️ Contributors


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🚀 Enhancements
  • ClearUserSession takes config arg as well (69eaf42)
  • Add linear provider (c1291cd)
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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🚀 Enhancements
📖 Documentation
❤️ Contributors


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📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
  • Remove unnecessary challenge cookie (be2626b)
❤️ Contributors
  • Gerben Mulder <github.undergo381@​>
  • Sébastien Chopin (@​atinux)


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🚀 Enhancements
  • Add Dropbox as supported oauth provider (#​183)
  • ⚠️ Call fetch hook if session is not empty instead of user defined (#​188)
  • ⚠️ Rename oauth<Provider>EventHandler todefineOAuth<Provider>EventHandler (#​189)
  • Add hashPassword & verifyPassword server utils (0c4d050)
  • Webauthn (passkey) support (a90b173)
🩹 Fixes
  • steam: Improve open id validation (#​184)
🏡 Chore
⚠️ Breaking Changes
  • ⚠️ Call fetch hook if session is not empty instead of user defined (#​188)
  • ⚠️ Rename oauth<Provider>EventHandler todefineOAuth<Provider>EventHandler (#​189)
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🩹 Fixes
  • UserSession secure type augmentation (#​181)
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
  • Add Gitlab provider (fec746f)
  • Add instagram provider (3bd553c)
  • Add vk provider (6581f12)
  • Add support for private data & config argument (#​171)
🩹 Fixes
  • Ensure plugin declaration files are emitted (#​170)
📖 Documentation
  • Add note about cookie size (a725436)
  • Add note to readme about session API route (ddf38c1)
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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🩹 Fixes
  • Paypal tokens request requires encoded redirect_uri (8bf3b0b)
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
💅 Refactors
📖 Documentation
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors


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compare changes

🚀 Enhancements
  • Cognito oauth support custom domain (4ad11a4)
🩹 Fixes
  • Fetch session directly when ssr disabled (#​151)
💅 Refactors
  • Handle missing configuration error (5675aaf)
  • Handle access token error response (a1b3fbb)
🏡 Chore
❤️ Contributors
Baroshem/nuxt-security (nuxt-security)

v2.0.0: 2.0.0

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2.0.0 🎉

This is the new major version of the NuxtSecurity module. After nine release candidates versions, we are ready to present you this new amazing version 🚀

With it, we have updated many things that you can check out below in comparison to version 1.4.0.


New features

As a part of this new release, there are several new features.

A+ Score by default

Our new version delivers an A+ security rating by default on both the Mozilla Observatory and Our documentation page is deployed with Nuxt-Security and is tested on these two scanners: 329857551-f181edcd-7059-4399-9af0-26c83a9dc48e329857562-d28f9b97-de64-49d8-9969-eef2692e6dd1

Performance optimization

We are considerably improving the performance of Nuxt Security with this release, by removing all dependency from cheerio. Applications running in lightweight environments such as workers, will benefit from significantly reduced CPU and memory usage, and increased page delivery.

Many thanks to @​GalacticHypernova for leading the full rewrite of our HTML parsing engine 💚

All Nuxt modes

Security headers are now deployed in all Nuxt rendering modes:

  • Universal
  • Client-only
  • Hybrid

See for details.

OWASP compliance

We are updating our default security settings to conform with the latest OWASP default values for headers. Users benefit from these updating settings out of the box, with no changes required.

See for details.

Full Static Support

We are significantly improving application security for static websites:

  • If the site is deployed with a Nitro Preset, security headers are now delivered natively. Netlify and Vercel static presets have been fully tested.
  • If the site is deployed in a custom environment (e.g. bare-metal server), we provide a new prerenderedHeaders build-time hook that exposes all security headers for complete control of your server's headers.
🗞️ Next steps

We are planning a new release soon with the Nuxt DevTools Tab support 🚀

👉 Changelog compare changes

❤️ Contributors
What's Changed


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

  • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR was generated by Mend Renovate. View the repository job log.

renovate[bot] avatar Aug 24 '24 04:08 renovate[bot]