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ViteJS starter template for vanilla JavaScript with some basic dependencies.

Vite Vanilla JS Template


Initially built for personal use, I created this template for starting a new project with Vite.js and Vanilla Javascript. It is already set up with standard development tools like ESLint and Prettier for easy code formatting and linting, with Vite for a robust, modern build process.


This template uses the following dependencies:

  • Vite: A next-generation frontend build tool that offers a fast dev server and optimized builds.
  • ESLint: An open-source JavaScript linting utility that helps maintain a consistent code style.
  • Prettier: An opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style across your project.
  • eslint-config-airbnb-base and eslint-config-prettier: ESLint configurations adhering to Airbnb's base JS style guide and disabling stylistic rules that might conflict with Prettier.
  • eslint-plugin-import and eslint-plugin-prettier: ESLint plugins that enforce ES2015+ import/export syntax and integrate Prettier with ESLint.
  • autoprefixer and postcss: Autoprefixer automatically adds vendor prefixes to CSS, while PostCSS provides a way to transform CSS with JavaScript.
  • cssnano: A tool that helps to compress and optimize CSS files.
  • postcss-nesting: A PostCSS plugin that allows you to use modern CSS Nesting in your stylesheets.
  • vite-plugin-eslint: Integrates ESLint into the Vite build process for on-the-fly linting.
  • the-new-css-reset: A modern, CSS reset for your styles.


  1. To start using this template, clone the repository with this command:
git clone
  1. Then proceed to the folder and install dependencies:
cd vite-vanilla-js-template
npm install


npm install -g degit # if you don't have degit installed...

#degit documentation at:
  1. Use 'degit' to create a folder project using this template:
degit Barata-Ribeiro/vite-vanilla-js-template your-project-name
  1. Then proceed to the folder and install dependencies:
cd your-project-name
npm install

Post-Cloning Steps

After cloning the template, make sure to clean up and update the following:

  1. Remove the .git directory and run git init to clean the commit history.
  2. Clean up the file.
  3. Adapt the LICENSE file to your project.
  4. Delete public/vite.svg, public/screenshot, src/assets/images/javascript.svg, and src/assets/images/vite.svg.
  5. Delete the content from src/styles/style.css.
  6. In the src/js/main.js file, leave only these import statements: import "../../styles/style.css"; and import "the-new-css-reset/css/reset.css";.
  7. Adapt the package.json file with your project's own information.
  8. Delete the .github folder.


Use the following scripts for your development workflow:

# Start the development server
npm run dev

# Checks your code for any linting errors
npm run lint

# Tries to automatically fix any linting errors present in your code
npm run lint:fix

# Formats your code in a consistent, predefined style using Prettier
npm run format

# Build for production
npm run build

# Preview the build
npm run preview

# Build and preview the project
npm run buildpreview

Folder Structure

This is the structure of the project:

├── .github                 # Github actions and workflows
├── node_modules            # Node.js dependencies for the project.
├── public                  # Public assets and resources
├── src                     # Source code
│   ├── assets              # General assets for your project
│   │   ├── images          # Store your images here
│   ├── js                  # Javascript files of your project
│   ├── styles              # CSS styles for your project
├── .editorconfig           # Configuration for the EditorConfig plugin
├── .eslintignore           # Files to be ignored by ESLint
├── .eslintrc.json          # Configuration for ESLint
├── .gitignore              # Files and folders to be ignored by Git
├── .prettierignore         # Files to be ignored by Prettier
├── .prettierrc             # Configuration for Prettier
├── index.html              # The HTML file for your project
├── LICENSE                 # The license for your project
├── package-lock.json       # Lockfile for your project's dependencies
├── package.json            # Defines your project and its dependencies
├── postcss.config.cjs      # Configuration for PostCSS
├──               # This file
├── vite.config.js          # Configuration for Vite


This template was created under the MIT License.

Happy coding! 👨‍💻