netflix icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
netflix copied to clipboard

Netflix homepage clone. Simple HTML CSS JS excercise

Netflix Clone

Clone of the Netflix website as a light HTML CSS and JS excercise - Take a look


"Eating website for fun... nyom nyom nyom"

What it is

A basic warmup exercise. Simple, practice oriented, clone of the Netflix Homepage. Built with:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Vanilla JS - ES6
  • Awesomeness - Strictly for the love of coding :-)

What it does

  • Look pretty, that's about it :-)

Learning Points

  • CSS Grid
  • Styling Tables
  • Tabs with Javascript
  • Positioning

Some cool stuff

Usually, people tend to run to CSS Frameworks to develop and style tabs and switching tabs. But here's a pretty simple, basic way of creating switchable tab content using Vanilla JS:

const tabItems = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-item");
const tabContentItems = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-content-item");

// Select tab content
function selectItem(e) {
  // Add border to current tab
  // Grab content item from DOM
  const tabContentItem = document.querySelector(`#${}-content`);
  // Add show class
function removeBorder() {
  tabItems.forEach(item => item.classList.remove("tab-border"));
function removeShow() {
  tabContentItems.forEach(item => item.classList.remove("show"));
// Listen for tab click
tabItems.forEach(item => item.addEventListener("click", selectItem));

And for the HTML All you really need is this:

<!-- Content Pretty Long so I'll add later -->
<!-- But this is the basic gist -->
<div class="tab-item">
  <!-- Selectors for the different tab content -->
<div class="tab-content-item">
  <!-- Content of each tab item -->
<!-- Simply add more selectors and corresponding 
tab content for each selector -->

Also (Just a thought), You could advance this by adding some animations to the selector borders etc.

Features in Development

I might add the other pages on the Netflix website if I ever come back to refactor ^-^


Contributions are highly welcome. Feel free to fork, clone, make pull requests, report issues etc.


  • Many thanks to @bradtraversy for his awesome courses - i will not fail you sensei
  • Thanks to @torvalds For Making the world a better place
  • And To anyone reading this... You're awesome!

That being said

To the Front... to the Back... End to End... cut no slack. Making ends meet. lol